not drunk

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They left the wedding and returned home

Dunk fell asleep in the car and Joong got him out of the car and carried him home bridal style and Dunk's hands around Joong's neck

He put him to bed but Dunk woke up

"Joong" Dunk's arms were still around his neck and he pulled him to him

"Dunk?"  Joong asked "what are you doing?"

Dunk lifted his head and kissed him

Joong - while kissing - lifted his leg over Dunk and was on the bed, he took off his suit and was left with only the buttoned up white shirt

Dunk moved his hands from Joong's neck to his back

He took his shirt out of his pants and put his hands under Joong's shirt

But Joong stopped kissing him for a moment and stopped

"Are you drunk?"  Joong had to ask to know he was aware of what they were doing

"No, you were with me all evening when I had time to drink" Dunk said

Joong smiled and kissed him again

He took off his white shirt and unbuttoned Dunk's shirt and ran a finger from his lips to his neck then to his chest and stomach

In the stomach, the finger stopped and flowed to the side and grabbed his waist, lifting his stomach a little higher

Joong continued to kiss Dunk and moved to the neck and the new places he discovered after opening the shirt

He took Dunk's shirt off and so all the other clothes

Joong put his hand in Dunk's
"I love you Dunk" Joong whispered in his ear

"I love you too" Dunk ran a hand through his hair

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