It's dark outside

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Fourth and Prem arrived at the abandoned neighborhood

Prem turned off the car's headlights

They got out of the car

"It's dark in here" Prem took out his phone and turned on a flashlight

"What are you doing?"  Fourth snatched the phone from him "they mustn't see we're here"

"But I don't see anything"

"So wha-"

A rustle interrupted their quarrel

Fourth pointed the flashlight in the direction of the noise and saw something move

He jumped into Prem's hands and dropped the phone

"Fourth" Prem scolded him

Fourth dropped his hands and Prem picked up the phone

"Shia, it's broken" Prem was discouraged

"Well this is the house it was meant to be" Fourth pointed to a large dark creepy house

"He must have progressed by now. There are other houses here, let's try another house first" Prem swallowed


They heard a noise again

"Yeah well let's go to another house first" Fourth pulled Prem in the direction where there was more light

"Shia is a magnificent house" Fourth and Prem stopped in front of a large and beautiful house

"Shall we ring the bell?"  Prem asked

"Yes and then the kidnapper will probably invite us for tea and cookies" Fourth laughed at Prem's idea

"I prefer coffee" a voice came from the intercom and Fourth jumped into Prem's hands

"Are you ready to stop jumping on me?! You don't weigh like a feather" Prem put Fourth down but Fourth still hugged his hand and stayed close to him

"We're looking for someone. Did you happen to see a short, young-looking person with a baby face?"  Prem asked

"Doesn't sound familiar" they heard a voice behind them and Fourth once again jumped on Prem

"FOURT-" Prem got angry and yelled

Someone blocked Prem's mouth

"Shh people sleep here" he said

Prem and the man stared into each other's eyes

"Who are you?"  Fourth spoke and it brought them back to the present

"My name is Boun" Boum took his hand off of Prem "I live here...and the right question should be who are you?"

"We're just looking for someone but he's not here bye" Prem pulled Fourth fast and they ran back towards the car

They reached the car and got in panting

"Let's come back in the morning when it's light outside" Prem said and drove back towards the house

They arrived at the house and went to the rooms to sleep

Prem thought about the person they had met, Boun, he wondered if he would ever see him again

Fourth thought about the noise they heard the phone flipped as it fell to the floor he commented on the direction the noise came from
he may have imagined but he thought he saw Gemini

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now