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"What happened?"  Gemini entered the room a few minutes later "I heard a shot"

"He took Pond" Phuwin who was sitting on the bed came out of the hypnosis quickly got up and started walking towards the exit

"Hey where are you going?"  Gemini stopped him

"After Pond"

"Do you know where he took him?"

"No" Phuwin stopped

"Let's tell off first" Gemini said and Phuwin nodded

They opened the door to Off's room and found him and Gun kissing and "watching a movie"

When they entered they stopped kissing and looked at them

"Pond has been kidnapped," Phuwin said

"what?!"  Off got up quickly "When??"

"Winn took him, he went into our room"

"How did it happen?"

"I don't know how he got in but Pond was drunk and passed out and I shot him but it only hit him in the shoulder because he was moving and then he hypnotized could he even hypnotize me?"  Phuwin couldn't understand

"Win is the son of one of the heads of the tribes, this probably also explains how he was able to get in because he used his power"

"What is his power??"  Phuwin asked

"To become invisible, like Pond...that's why they were attracted to each other from the beginning"


Winn arrived at their hideout and handcuffed Pond to the wall

"You're mine now" he smiled and leaned in to kiss him

"So you did it" Drake clapped and interrupted him before he could kiss Pond

Winn turned to see Ellen and Drake enter the place

"You disturbed me" Winn advanced towards him

"You heard what the boss said" Ellen said "not to do anything to them until we catch them all"

"It's just a kiss"

"We both know you can't control yourself" Drake said

Winn rolled his eyes
"Well where is he anyway?"  He asked

"I see that at least one of you succeeded in the task"
They turned around and saw Saint

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now