the canopy

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Dunk stood in front of the hall doors with his parents - Earth and Mix - on either side of him

The doors opened

Dunk looked up and saw Joong already standing at the ceremony site waiting for him and smiling at him

He took a deep breath and started to move towards him
He only looked at Joong and did not move his head to see the crowd

Dunk arrived and was about to start climbing the 3 small stairs when Joong held out his hand and Dunk took his hand and went up

They held each other's hands and smiled

"Do you commit to love each other in happiness in sadness in sickness - not that we have that many - in health in wealth in poverty - this should not worry you either but this is the formula - in life in death?"

"Yes" Joong and Dunk answered together

"You can kiss"

Dunk swallowed

It was their first kiss and it was going to be in front of a lot of people

He didn't really think about it

"We don't have to kiss me if you're not ready yet" Joong saw that he was tensing up

"No it's okay" Dunk took a deep breath "I'm ready"

Joong smiled putting his hands on Dunk's cheeks and kissing him

Voices cheered all around them but Joong and Dunk didn't care
The kiss swept them away

"Ok that's enough" Mix said quietly bowed his head to them and smiled at the crowd

They stopped kissing and Joong looked at Mix who was staring at him

Joong licked his lips and swallowed
Dunk chuckled and Joong melted

They went to sit down to eat together with the whole crowd and the way was full of people passing by and telling them congratulations

They sat down to eat at the main table along with the rest of the family

After some time of eating and laughing Dunk's breathing became heavy

Joong looked at Dunk and saw that he was staring at something he looked in the direction he looked at and saw a guy

"Drake" Boun hissed and stood up

"Drake?!"  Joong also stood up

They both walked together towards Drake

Joong reached him and punched him in the face

Suddenly it became quiet in the hall and everyone looked at what was happening

Boun and Joong dragged him out of the hall and Dunk followed them

"How could you hurt such an angel?"  Joong was insanely nervous

"I came to apologize" Drake said

"Apologize?!"  Joong punched him again
This time he already bled a drop before the wound healed

Joong was about to punch him again but Dunk stopped him

"Go away" Dunk said to Drake

"But-" Drake started to say

"go away NOW" Dunk raised his voice

"Dunk I just want-"

"Didn't you hear what my brother said?"  Boun punched him on the other side of the face

"Dunk" Drake tried again

Joong couldn't take it anymore he took a piece of wood that was lying in the corner and put it in Drake's arm

Drake cried out in pain

"The next piece will be for the heart, you better get out of here now and quickly" Joong picked up another piece

Drake exchanged one last look with Dunk but left

Dunk was in tears
He hugged Joong and Joong stroked his hair and soothed him

Boun was going to go back inside and give them their moment but thought he saw someone in the distance at the nearest bar
"Prem?"  Boun recognized him

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