related by blood

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"Why are you stopping me?" Phuwin asked

"He just feels betrayed he's not bad" Pond said in a soft voice and looked at Phuwin

Phuwin looked him in the eyes and put the gun down

Drake Ellen and Winn escaped from the cave

Boun ran after them but they ran too far and he came back

"Why are you bleeding??" Off noticed a blood stain on Pond's shirt

Pond looked down and saw his shirt soaked in blood

He lifted his shirt a little and saw a hole like a rifle bullet hole in his stomach and held on to Phuwin

"What is this supposed to be?!" Phuwin yelled at Saint

"Well I pretty much planned for you to kill me and then find out about it" Saint smiled

"WHAT IS THIS?" Phuwin yelled at him once more

"I bound us by blood" Saint smiled slyly "if I die Pond die"

"How do we cancel it" Phuwin asked Saint and aimed his gun

"You won't kill me" Saint continued to smile

Joong breathed fast and nervously and Dunk calmed him down

Pond fell back

"It hurts?" Phuwin lay down next to him

"No I don't feel the injuries just dizziness" Pond said

"I should have told Tay to use a spell that numbs the pain as well" Saint rolled his eyes

"Tay how do you stop it???" Off yelled as he saw Pond's wings close

"I don't know he just gave me the words to the spell" Tay said

Fourth opened the book and flipped through it

Pond's eyes closed

"Break the ring!!" Fourth yelled

"no..." Saint mumbled weakly and his eyes closed

Phuwin wanted to jump on Saint's hand to smash the ring and on the way also break Saint's hand but Joong got ahead of him and did it

"Ai" Saint opened his eyes in pain

"Shut up" Joong said

"Pond" Phuwin shook him but Pond did not open his eyes

"Pond!" Joong bent down and slapped him

"What the hell" Pond opened his eyes and everyone was filled with relief "Don't you dare wake me up like that again Joong" Pond smiled

"I promise nothing" Tears of joy fell from Joong's eyes

"Aww are you crying with excitement that I'm okay?" Pond said

"Do you want me to slap you again?" Joong asked and Pond was silent

Dunk put his hand on Joong's shoulder and pulled him closer to him and Joong hugged him

"Are you crying too with excitement?" Pond asked Phuwin who also had tears in his eyes

"Shut up" Phuwin hugged him

"I think I deserve some vampire wine for a month" Pond smiled


"two weeks"

"three days"

"No no , then a week"

"two days"

Pond remained silent knowing that otherwise it would go down for the day

They gave Pond blood and when he was able to stand they left the cave happy

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now