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Joong woke up in the morning

"How do you feel?"  Dunk asked him when he saw he was awake

"Great" Joong said

"Don't you dare get sick like that again or be accused of something and always come and tell me what's going on" Dunk raised a threatening finger at him

"Okay" Joong chuckled

"By the way, pa Mix invited us to dinner...I told him I don't know if we can because you don't feel well"

"Then call to let him know we will come"

Dunk nodded he got up to the kitchen and called Mix

"Hello?"  Dunk asked when he heard a noise from the other side

"Dunkk" Mix sounds happy

Joong got out of the room and wrapped Dunk in a hug

"I just wanted to tell you that we will come tonight" Dunk said

"Good, when will you come?"  Mix asked

Joong kissed Dunk's neck

" bye dad" Dunk hung up turned to Joong and kissed him

Joong lifted him onto the counter and put his hands on Dunk's waist pulling him closer to him

Joong's phone rang

"Oh really" Joong rolled his eyes and took out his phone

"Joong" Pond said

"This better be important" Joong said

"I need to talk to you about something"

"Yeah obvious otherwise, why did you call...."

"Yeeh...well, can I talk to you face to face?"  Pond sounded hesitant

"Yes" Joong sighed

"Great, I'm outside, open the door for me"

There was a knock on the door and Joong went to open it

"How long have you been here?"

"Enough to hear your kisses" Pond grinned "You should kiss more quietly there are people outside"

Joong was about to close the door on him but Pond stopped him

"Kiss however you like" Pond smiled, opened the door again and entered

"What did you want to talk about?"  Joong asked

"It's about phuwin..."

"What about him?"  Joong Dunk and Pond sat down on the sofa

"I'm afraid he's starting to hallucinate" Pond said "When we left the store he said he saw someone from his previous tribe but when I looked around there was no one, and this also happened when we came back from the suits store before going home"

"Maybe he's tired" Joong said "Give him a few days of rest at least until the wedding next week"

"Yeah you are right..."

"How did you even go out without him following you"

"With the help of my powers" Pond said and look proud

"Makes sense" Joong nodded "well anything else?"

"Breakfast" Pond said and stroked his rumbling stomach "I had to go early and I didn't have time to eat"

"Well I'm going to make it" Joong got up

"No" Dunk and Pond yelled together

"Sit down, I'll make" Dunk smiled

Joong sat and followed him with his gaze

"He keeps insisting on making so that I don't have to work hard" Joong melted

"Umm" Pond hesitated

"what?"  Joong asked him

"I guess he just doesn't want to hurt you"

"what why?"

"Brother your skills in the kitchen are horrible, your food is inedible" Pond said

"It happens that sometimes the food is not tasty" Joong tried to defend himself

"sometimes?"  Pond asked

"But he likes my cooking, he said it's delicious"

"He likes you not your cooking" Pond smirked

"I will ask him"

"The food is ready" Dunk called them after a few minutes

They sat in the kitchen and started eating

"Dunk" Joong put the spoon aside "My food is disgusting?"

Dunk choked and Joong rushed to get him the water

"Ok" Jung nodded "I'll stop cooking, but you would tell me"

"But you were so cute that you wanted to cook for me" Dunk said "How could I screw you up?"  Dunk made a cute face

"Oh my bae" Joong ruffled his hair

Pond made a gagging motion

"Be careful or I will kick you out of here" Joong said

Pond continued to eat quietly and Dunk laughed

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