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"We are okay?"  Phuwin asked Pond

"Were we ever 'okay'?"  Pond made quotation marks with his fingers and sat down on the bed

"You have a point..." Phuwin sat on the chair "so can we start being okay?"

"Will you let me go free to the bar?"

"You know that's an order from Off"

"You can make excuses for him that I ran away or something"

"First thing, I already did that when you went with your friends to the bar and second thing, now I don't let you go out at all, it's too dangerous"

"Are you worried about me?"

"worried about my job"

"Why the hell are you even guarding me? How much off pay you that it's worth it?"

"More than others would bring me" Phuwin smiled "still ...a payment according to the job"

"I'm not that hard to keep, I'm actually pretty fun"

"If keeping you from running away is fun, then maybe you should replace me and see how hard it is"

"I would just let me out," Pond said

"Yes, we saw how you managed to get out and you really didn't almost die" Phuwin rolled his eyes

"As the one who is supposed to keep me from running away or dying you are doing a bad job" Pond sneered

"Say that to my hand that still hurts because I jumped to save you" Phuwin caressed his hand

"Does it still hurt?"  Pond looked suddenly worried

"A little"

"Did you changed the bandage?"


"What?! Why? No wonder it hasn't passed yet, it must have been contaminated"

"Well I've never had a wound from a tree I have no idea how to heal it"

"Weren't you scratched from a tree when you were little?"

"Well yes, but I was just waiting for it to pass I was not born a vampire"

" No one treated your wounds?"

"It's not like there was anyone who would do it"

Pond was silent, he never thought about Phuwin's past and where he came from

He got up took the first aid kit went to Phuwin and stopped in front of him

"what?"  Phuwin asked as Pond stopped

"Take off your shirt"

"I am your servant, not your whore"

"It's better to be my whore" Pond smiled slyly

Phuwin rolled his eyes and took off his shirt

Pond ran a hand over his chest and Phuwin grabbed his hand

"You suck" Pond rolled his eyes but smiled
He dragged the other chair and put it next to Phuwin and sat on it

He took off the bandage he once put on Phuwin

"Shia" Pond saw the infection

"Is it that bad?"  Phuwin asked

"Yes" Pond nodded

Phuwin was startled but when he took a look at it he calmed down

"Why are you calm?"  Pond asked

"Oh that's fine I've had worse" Phuwin shrugged

"What happened to him in the past that he says more terrible things about it?!"  Pond thought, glancing over Phuwin's scars

"Staring at my dice is part of the dressing process?"  Phuwin asked

"What? No" Pond was startled when he realized he was staring and Phuwin saw him, he turned red, quickly finished dressing and put the first aid kit back in its place

"Well I'm going to take a shower" Phuwin stood

"Now?! I just dressed your wounds" Pond said

"Oh I am not supposed to shower with it?"

"He's so stupid sometimes" Pond thought

"No!"  Pond gave up

"But I have to take a shower" Phuwin said

"Well when you come back, I'll put new one on you" Pond rolled his eyes

Phuwin smiled and went to take a shower

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now