remember or not

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Pond and Phuwin went up to Pond's room

When they entered the room Pond lay down on the bed exhausted

Phuwin sat down
He was tense and playing with his hands and Pond noticed it

"Are you okay?"  Pond asked

"Yes" Phuwin nodded and continued to play with his hands

"Sorry let me rephrase the question...what's wrong?"

"It does not matter"

"If it bothers you then it does matter" Pond got up, sat on the chair next to Phuwin and held Phuwin's hands "so what happened?"

"Nothing" Phuwin shook his head

"Okay" Pond didn't want to press "if you want to tell me I'm here to listen to you"

Pond got up and walked towards the bathroom

"You really don't remember?"  Phuwin got up from the chair

"Remember what?"  Pond turned to him

"never mind"

Pond looked at him strangely but went on to the shower

He finished showering and came out shirtless

"Shia Pond" Phuwin notices his wounds "I'll dress it up for you"

Pond was sitting on the bed and Phuwin was dressing his wounds

When he finished he looked up to see Pond looking at him

They stared into each other's eyes and Pond raised his hand and placed it on Phuwin's cheek

When he saw that Phuwin wasn't moving away, he leaned in and kissed him

Phuwin put his hands on Pond's waist
He lay back and Pond leaned over him

Pond helped him take off his shirt and looked at his body
"Where did you get those?"  He ran his hand over Phuwin's scars

"From my previous tribe" Phuwin smiled faintly

"What did they do to you?! How is it not healed?"  Pond worried

"Scars you got before you were a vampire don't go away when you become one" Phuwin said

"but how-"

Phuwin cut him off with a kiss

Pond smiled into the kiss
He kissed Phuwin's neck and Phuwin pulled him close

"I remember what happened" Pond whispered to him

"do you remember?!"  Phuwin asked

Pond chuckled

"And now are you laughing at me?"  Phuwin raised his eyebrows

"I'm not laughing at you" Pond laughed

Phuwin kicked him in the stomach and Pond collapsed on the bed

"Shiaa was that too painful?"  Phuwin got up to check on him but found that Pond was laughing

"Why are you laughing?"  Phuwin smiled

"Ah I don't know" Pond couldn't stop laughing

"stop" Phuwin started laughing too

"W Why are you laughing?"  Pond could hardly speak because of the laughter

"because you're laughing"

They were both laughing

"So shall continue from where we stopped?"  Pond asked when they stopped laughing

"You don't deserve this today" Phuwin shook his head, remembered that he was supposed to be angry with him and lay down

Pond smiled at the sight of his grumpy baby
He lay down next to him and hugged him from behind

"Fandi na" Pond whispered to him

Phuwin smiled and closed his eyes
They both fell asleep

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