the end

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The first episode of We are is so gooddddddd PondPhuwin are too cute and too sweettt and everyone else too😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭and the trailer for the next episode🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
Those who haven't watched it yet, go watch itttt🥹💛


Joong Dunk Pond Phuwin Gemini and Fourth sat around the table waiting for Off Gun and the boy to enter

When they entered they all stood up and looked at the boy who was hiding behind Gun's leg

"Hey everyone, meet Offroad" he put a hand on Offroad's back and moved him forward a little so he got out from behind his leg "Offroad meet the rest of your new family"

"Are they my brothers?"  Offroad asked

"no" Gun giggled "They are your uncles, Joong Off's brother and Dunk his husband" Gun pointed to Joong and Dunk

"His wife" Joong corrected him and got a pinch from Dunk

"Hey Bae, you said you were in pain since yesterday, don't move too much," Joong said and received a strong push

Offroad laughed

"These are Pond and Phuwin, Pond is also your uncle like Joong and Phuwin..." Gun hesitated how to introduce him

"My boyfriend or my future husband whatever you choose" Pond said and Phuwin gave him a kick in the ass

"This is not the education I intended to give my child" Gun put a hand over offroad's eyes who moved Gun's hand and laughed

"And these are Gemini and Fourth, Off's brother and my brother...they are also a couple" Gun said and GeminiFourth nodded

"And you have one more uncle, my brother, who is now busy traveling with his boyfriend around the world, but he is supposed to call" Just as Gun finished his sentence, his phone vibrated and he answered the call

"Hey Gun" Prem's face was on the phone

"And here is Prem" Gun showed him to offroad "Prem this is Offroad Off and mine's child"
"Hey offroad uncle will bring you gifts when he comes back" Prem said

"Hey babe what are you doing" Boun was heard in the background, he jumped on a prem and the phone fell out of his hand

They heard the sound of them falling and then the noise of kissing, the phone settled and they saw Boun in only boxers on a prem who was also wearing only boxers and a shirt, probably for the call

"Let me just hang up" Prem said

"They'll hang up on their own" Boun said and didn't let him get up Boun started kissing him

"Ok it was your uncle" Gun quickly cut off the call so that Offroad wouldn't see something he shouldn't be beyond what he had seen so far

They turned their heads back and saw Phuwin and Dunk chasing Pond and Joong and Gemini and Fourth sitting next to the table holding hands and hugging

"So this is your family" Gun stroked his hair

"Hey Offroad help us" Pond yelled as phuwin and Dunk grabbed him and Joong

Offroad ran towards them and played with them

Off snuck his arm around Gun's waist

"Nice choice my baby" he kissed him on the forehead

Gemini and Fourth joined the play and Off Gun followed

~The end~

Thank you so much for all the support and comments, I really appreciate it, it makes me keep writing love you 😭🫂💛

I might do some kind of spin-off to this book So if I do it, write the continuation here or open a new story?

I will upload the first chapter of the new story tomorrow

Thank you so much my bestie without you I would not write or publish anything or even was here💛🧡🤍

Ignore the notification I'm trying to arrange the order of the chapters but I don't know how🥲

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now