the ceremony

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Pond heard someone come in and turn himself invisible

"where is he?"  He first heard the voice and then saw Winn

"Did he escape?"  He saw Ellen by his side "Hey there's a letter"

Pond left a note that he found thrown away and wrote something on it with his own blood so that they would think he ran away and left a note

They went to pick up the note

"Surprise?" Ellen read what was written in it

"Suprise!" Pond picked up the piece of wood next to him and struck Ellen on the head with it

She fell to the floor and Winn tried to back away but went right into Pond's hands

"Boo" Pond smiled and gave him a blow on the head

They were both knocked out and Pond picked up the keys thrown from Winn's pants as he fell and freed himself.

He ran to the entrance but bumped into Saint who stopped him and knocked him unconscious with a syringe with anesthetic which is intended for vampires

Ellen and Winn ran after him and saw Saint holding Pond

"Sorry boss, he tricked us and ran away" Ellen regretted

"Yeah I can notice" Saint rolled his eyes
He handed Pond to winn who took him back to the chains

"Aren't you angry?"  Winn asked Saint

"If I didn't manage to catch him I would be angry, very angry but today is a happy day today we will do the ceremony and receive two more victims" Saint smiled and started to prepare the ceremony

A few hours later everything was ready

"There is a delay for our friends" Saint looked at the clock

Ellen Winn and Drake exchanged glances

"Which friends is he talking about?"  Winn whispered

Ellen and Drake shrugged

"Well let's start with Pond" Saint smiled "Winn!"

Winn rushed over to Pond and lifted him to the place they had prepared

He put him on the bed

Saint went over and made a cut on his hand, the blood flowed into a small ring-shaped circle

When the blood finished filling the circle Saint moved his hand

"Come in" Saint called

One man entered entered the cave and darkness hid his face

"Everything is ready Tay" Saint smiled
Tay stepped forward and stood next to Saint

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