the reason

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"So dad what happened there?"  Gun asked Tay in the morning

He wanted to ask him yesterday but everyone came back tired and immediately went to sleep

"Gun..." Tay didn't want to tell him

"Tay" New put a hand on his shoulder "It's time to tell them"

Tay nodded

They also called Prem and Fourth came home and they sat down to talk with them

"About your powers..." Tay started to tell "we didn't want you to enter this world at all, you weren't supposed to find out"

"but why?"  Fourth asked

"You saw what happened yesterday, it's a dangerous world"

"But we needed to know" Gan intervened "and how were you with Saint anyway?! And why did you hide everything from us?"

"it's a long story"

"We are ready to listen" Prem said

Tay sighed and started to tell
"My parents and my brother died because of the magic, from my parents they tried to draw the magic and my brother was dragged into the dark places after my parents died and one day I was informed that he died
I didn't know what to do until I met New who helped me overcome everything and when we brought you we decided not to tell  you about this world and let you live a normal life.
But Saint appeared and threatened that if I don't cooperate with him he will hurt you, at first I didn't cooperate with him and he said I will pay for it" Tay took a deep breath and looked at Gun "That's why he turned you into a vampire, when he told me what he did, I came back here quickly when I saw that it was true, so I did what he asked so that he wouldn't hurt you and you saw the end yourself, sorry I didn't tell you."
Tay finished telling

"It's okay dad we forgive you, you just wanted to look after us" Gun got up to hug Tay and Prem and Fourth did the same

New joined in the hug

"But dad, how did I get attracted to the Jumpol family's house?"  Gun asked

"He was waiting for you in the area there because he wanted to get Pond and Off to fight and when he saw you got there he left" Tay said and Gunn nodded

The vibration of all three phones caused them to stop hugging

They checked the message and saw that the Jumpol brothers and the Pirapat brothers are going to the amusement park and they invite them

They accepted the invitation and went to get ready

Tay and New were going to go back to the room to go on a date alone

"Can I ask you something?"  Prem stopped them

Tay nodded

"Boun has the same picture as mine how does that make sense?"  Prem asked

"Did you find Boun again??"  Tay asked

"again?"  Prem didn't understand, when did he even meet him??

Tay and New exchanged glances

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