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Boun and Gemini arrived at the Jumpol family's house

They went up to Joong's room and saw Dunk sleeping in bed

"Dunk" Boun approached him but Dunk was still asleep "Hi Dunk" Boun poured the glass of water that was on the side over him

"What? Who?"  Dunk woke up in a panic "JOONG"

"What happened to you? You don't look sick to me" Boun said

"I'm not sick...where's Joong?!"  Dunk asked

Boun looked at Gemini who tried to run out of the room
He hurried to stop him

"where are they?!"  Boun asked

"They went looking for Pond that's all I know" Gemini said

"I know that too, they were going to take prem" Dunk said

"WHAT?!"  Boun turned to Dunk "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's fine he'll be fine" Dunk reassured him

Off had just returned home from visiting some tribal chiefs to see if they had heard anything about Pond ,walked into the room
"What happened?"  He asked

Gemini and Dunk told him what happened

"we have to go now " Off said

They drove to the Tawan family's house
Boun quickly went up to prem's room
"He's not here" he said in a panic

They went to Gun and Fourth's room and saw them watching a movie

"Off" Gun said when he saw Off at the same time Fourth called Gemini when he saw Gemini

"What are you doing here?"  Gun and Fourth asked together

Off explained to them and their faces became concerned

"what should we do?"  Gun asked

"We'll go look for them" Off said

"Tay won't let us go out-" Gun started to say "wait how did you even get in here?"

"There's no one here except one person but he's sleeping" Off said

"So Tay went" Gun said and couldn't think where

Off shrugged

"Well let's go quickly before he comes back"

They went out to the place Foruth had marked yesterday

"Look, they were here" Gemini pointed to the glass that had Joong's blood

"I can smell his blood trail" Dunk said worriedly

They advanced following the smell and saw the cave and a body lying close to it

"Prem" Boun yelled

Boun Gun and Fourth ran to him

"He's fine he has a pulse" Gun reassured them

A scream pierced the silence

"JOONG!"  Dunk recognized the screamer's voice and ran towards the cave with everyone following except Boun who stayed with Prem

They entered and saw Win raising a sword at Phuwin who was hugging Pond and Drake advancing towards Joong who was leaning against the rock, Saint laughing off to the side and Tay standing quietly next to him

"STOP!!" Off shouts and they stopped and looked at him

Joong falls to the side and Dunk without even thinking rushes to him and catches him


Did you hear about what happened with Pawin?!What do you think about it?

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now