the past

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"ai Phuwin" Pond tried to get Phuwin in the car but Phuwin didn't cooperate

"Look at those beautiful lights over there" Phuwin pointed to the other side and tried to start walking there

"Phuwin!" Pond pulled him back

"My legs hurt" Phuwin complained "Carry me"
He stopped and opened his arms

Pond chuckled
He bent down and Phuwin got on his back

"Hold on tight" Pond said and Phuwin crushed him

"Not too tight" Pond choked

Phuwin let loose a bit

They got to the car and Pond got Phuwin off his back

He opened the door for him, put a hand on Phuwin's head so he wouldn't get hurt and put him in the car

They drove to the house and when they arrived everyone was already asleep

He carried Phuwin into his room and laid him on the bed

"Hot..." Phuwin complained
He sat on the bed and took off his shirt, he also tried to take off his pants but couldn't

"pond" Phuwin mumbled tiredly "help me"

Pond helped him take off his pants

"Are you trying to seduce me?"  Pond smiled "No Pond you can't! control yourself he's completely drunk" Pond gave himself a weak slap

He went to get a towel and a bowl of water

"Who was this man?"  Pond asked as he cleaned his body

"Someone from my previous tribe" Phuwin said

"Where did he really come from?" Pond thought to himself "Every time I bring up this conversation he avoids....maybe now is a good time to get some secrets out of him"

"You said those scars are from your previous tribe" Pond looked at Phuwin's scars "What did they do to you? Tell me everything. How did you know them even before you were a vampire?"

"My parents died when I was in high school" Phuwin began to tell "my mother died of an illness and my father died of depression because of her loss, I started connecting with the wrong people and there was no one to stop me, I lived with my uncles but they didn't care about me, they only did it because my mother asked them before she died, one day when I went to one of the bars the vampires met me ,they led me into a cave and when I realized what they were going to do I tried to run away but they locked me up" Tears began to fall from Phuwin's eyes and Pond looked at him with pity and held his hand "for every time I didn't cooperate with them they scarred me until one day they got tired of my attempts to escape and to take revenge on me they turned me into a vampire" Phuwin cried recalling these memories once again

"It's okay na" Pond hugged him "You're okay now"

Phuwin held on to Pond's shirt who continued to caress him until he felt him falling asleep

"You were really rebellious" Pond ran his hand over his scars "What did this man want from you??"

He put the bowl and the towel aside changed his clothes and lay down next to him

"Pond" he heard Phuwin mutter

"what?"  Pond asked him

"Hug me please" Phuwin asked

Pond approached him and hugged him

"I won't let them get close to you anymore" Pond moved the hair from Phuwin's forehead

He kissed Phuwin's forehead and put his forehead against Phuwin's


Did you watch "We are" trailer???It looks so gooddddd I can't waittttt 😭🥹🪦😭🥹🪦😭🥹🪦😭🥹🪦😭🥹🪦😭🥹🪦

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