Five more minutes

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Dunk woke up and saw Joong hugging him and smiled
He hadn't had any nightmares tonight and he guessed that was why

He hugged him back

"Good morning" Joong woke up and gave Dunk a kiss on the forehead

"Good morning" Dunk curled into him

"Do you want to do something today?"  Joong asked half asleep

"I haven't talked to Boun lately. I'll go to the parents' house, he's probably there," Dunk said

"Do you want me to come with you?"  Joong asked

"That would be nice but are you sure you can handle pa Mix?"

"We'll have to get along sometime"

"Well then let's get up" Dunk was going to get up but Joong hugged him tighter and prevented him from getting up

"Five more minutes" Joong asked

"Okay" Dunk rolled his eyes and smiled

Dunk shaked Joong after five minutes

"Five more minutes" Joong asked once more

"Okay" Dunk gave up and tried again after another 5 minutes

"Five more minutes" Joong asked again

"Ai Joong"

"One last time" Joong used his puppy eyes and smiled

Dunk gave up and tried again for another five minutes

"Five more-" Joong started to say

"NO" Dunk stood his ground this time

"pleasss?"  Joong tried the puppy eyes method once more

"No no no" Dunk put his hand over Joong's eyes

"Okay, well, I'm getting up," Joong sat down on the bed

Dunk smiled and sat down too but as soon as Dunk sat down Joong grabbed him and pulled him back so that Dunk was laying on top of him and Joong hugged him

"5 more minutes" Joong tried the puppy eyes once more and made sure Dunk's hands were held so he couldn't hide Joong's eyes

"No" Dunk closed his eyes tightly

"Ok ok" Joong let out "so a kiss?"

Dunk tried to digest what he had gotten himself into

He leaned down and gave Joong a kiss on the cheek

"Just one on the cheek?"  Joong asked sadly

Dunk rolled his eyes, smiled and gave him a kiss on the other cheek

Joong sat up and stole a kiss from Dunk on the mouth

"Ai Joong" Dunk blushed and got up from the bed "I'm going to take a shower you better be ready by the time I get out"

Joong sat on the bed and nodded

Dunk smiled and got into the shower

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