The strange abductee

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The Jumpol family returned home

Off went to Gun's room and opened the door

He found Gun sitting on the bed and Fourth asking him a lot of questions

"I regret telling you" Gun despaired

"Are you kidding me? This is so cool my brother is a vampire" Fourth enthused

Off giggled

"Did something happen?"  Gun asked

"Umm I wanted to ask..." Off hesitated "About Joong and Dunk's wedding..."

"Aww Gunnn he's inviting you to be his date for the wedding" Fourth interjected

"Fourth" Gun said in a menacing tone and pointed at the door

Fourth looked between Off and Gun then smiled and left

"Sorry about that" Gun pointed at the closed door that Fourth had exited from

"It's okay" Off said

"So what did you want to say?"  Gun advanced towards Off

Off took a deep breath "Would you like to be my date to Joong and Dunk's wedding?"

"I'd love to" Gun smiled

Off let out a relieved breath

"Mix and Earth are now going to measure the suits want to go now too?"  he asked

"with pleasure" Gun answered

They left the room and saw Fourth waiting outside the door with a smile

They ignored him and left the house


*Boun and Prem got along great
Or it is more correct to say that Prem did well
He didn't have a little brother to drive and look after and he enjoyed video games and snacks*

Boun came back to the room after leaving and saw Prem playing his video games and eating snacks

"How..." Boun was stunned

"I found snacks in the drawer and you left the remotes on the small cabinet here" Prem answered him with a mouth full of snacks

Boun looked at the surrounding mess full of snack wrappers thrown around the room and full of crumbs everywhere

"PREM" Boun raised his voice

"what?"  Prem stopped playing and looked at Boon

"If you keep it up we'll move you to the basement" Boun warned

"Are there snacks there?"

"'s a dark and scary place"

"Ah then no thanks I'll give it up" Prem continued to eat and play

Boun tapped his forehead

He unplugged the TV and the game went off

"Hey" Prem got annoyed

"Clean up here!" Boun said

"I can't" Pram raised his handcuffed hands

"But you could eat and play with it"

"But I can't clean with it"

Boun rolled his eyes and took out the keys and released Prem

Prem threw some wrappers in the bin and sat back on the bed

"I'm tired" Prem yawned

"Tired huh?!"  Boun grinned and licked his fangs in warning

"Not tired anymore" Prem got up and continued to tidy up

Prem stepped on a snack wrapper and was about to slip and fall but Boun caught him

"You're heavy" Boun said

"Those snacks are going in somewhere" Prem patted his belly
He stood up too quickly and got hit by Boun's head

"Ouch" Prem rubbed the spot "What is your head made of?!"

"I guess that's the same stuff your head is made of" Boun rubbed the spot but of course the pain passed quickly "and go take a shower you are filthy"

"Because I was kidnapped" Prem said as if it wasn't clear

Boun rolled his eyes and watched Prem get into the shower

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now