The perfect set of suits

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"No dad I'm not wearing a rainbow suit to my wedding" Dunk told Mix

"But it's a proud wedding" Mix insisted

"Did you wear a suit like that when you married Earth?"

Mix was silent

"Good" Dunk said

Mix brought Dunk another suit and Dunk went to try it on

He put it on him and left the dressing room for everyone to see

"This is stunning" Mix said and approached his son

Joong watched him from afar and was speechless, Dunk was so stunning

He understood from what Boun said that Dunk's ex had hurt him...that explained a few things, but how could someone hurt him?!

"Hi Joong" Off took him out of the hypnosis called dunk

"what?"  He blinked and turned to Off

"This is the matching suit, see if it fits you"
Joong took the suit and went to try it on

"That looks great!" Mix told him as he left

"So shall we take these?"  Off asked

"Wait Joong Dunk stand next to each other" Mix called them

They stood next to each other

"I want a photo of the two of you in your suits now, hug each other" Mix brought them closer and put their hands on each other's waists

Joong and Dunk looked up and looked into each other's eyes

"It looks stunning on you," Joong whispered

"You look good too" Dunk said

"Just good?"  Joong looked hurt

"Maybe more" Dunk smiled

Joong smiled at the sight of smiling Dunk

"So beautiful" Mix didn't stop taking photos

Dunk took his hands off Joong and was going to walk away

Joong pulled him back and Dunk fell into his hands

"Yes, stay like that, I want a photo like that" Mix was enthusiastic

Dunk got red and immediately stood up

He went back to sit next to Boun

"Why are you smiling?"  Dunk asked Boun when he saw his smile

"Why are you red?"  Boun asked back with a teasing smile

"Dunk the Suit" Mix saved him once again from answering

He returned to the fitting room, took off his suit and sat down again

Mix handed him another suit

"Didn't we say we'd take the previous suit?"  Dunk asked desperately

"It's always nice to try another" Mix shrugged "and it also comes with a set for 4 groomsmen"

"Yes, because you're not the one measuring" Dunk rolled his eyes "and who are the 4 groomsmen?"

Mix pointed to Boun Pond Gemini and Phuwin

"He's not their brother...just a brother's bodyguard" Dunk said

"Look how you already know him and his family so well" Mix smiled teasingly "and I know that, I already know the family don't forget...but this set is so beautiful and they only sell it that way so why not another groomsman"

Dunk gave up and went to try on the suit

Mix meanwhile gave the rest of the sets to the groomsmen and Joong and they all went to try on

"Shia" Mix and Off were amazed that they all came out

"So we took it?"  Dunk asked

"Yes yes" Mix jumped happily

They went to close some last matters with the seller

"That's it we're done" Mix repeated

"Wait, Dad, what about you with Earth and Phi Off?"  Dunk asked

"We'll be back here soon, Earth has been busy until now"

They left the store and Mix stopped to talk to Off

"Say bye to your future husband" Boun teased Dunk

"Shut up" Dunk rolled his eyes

Boun pushed Dunk a bit and Dunk fell back
He would have fallen to the floor if Joong hadn't caught him

"Are you okay?"  he asked Dunk

"Yeah I'm fine" Dunk swallowed and immediately stood up "Thank you"

Joong smiled

Dunk turned and gave Boun a small blow and got into their car

Boun grinned and followed him in

"ho Joong save me too" Pond pretended to fall

Joong rolled his eyes and got into the car

Gemini entered after him

"Come on" Phuwin motioned for Pond to come in as well

"I'm already outside..." Pond smiled

"don't even think about it"

"I haven't been out in a long time"

"You led yourself into this, now get in to the car"

Pond made a face but got in and Phuwin got in after him

"See you in half an hour" Off waved to Mix and also got into the car

They drove back home

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now