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"Hi Joong stop" Dunk stopped

Joong looked around and saw that they were far away enough

"Why did you run away when you heard Boun's name?"  Dunk asked

"I? ran away hearing Boun's name? You must be imagining it" Joong continued to look around

"Ok" Dunk folded his hands "What happened?"

"Nothing happened, everything is great" Joong smiled

"You're bad at lying" Dunk waited for an answer

"Ok but you didn't hear that from me" Joong said

Dunk nodded

"When we went to get Prem to help us find Pond ,Boun was in Prem's room as a dog"

"what?!"  Dunk was shocked

"Shhh, he will hear us" Joong covered Dunk's mouth

"How come he didn't tell me about it?!"

Joong shrugged

"Let's go talk to him" Dunk grabbed Joong

"What? No! Dunk no!!!" Joong tried to pull him back but Dunk was determined

Pond and Phuwin watched them walk away and sat on one of the benches

They walked towards Boun and Prem and saw them sitting together on the grass

"BOUN" Dunk yelled at him "How come you didn't tell me about prem?!?"

"What? How do you kno-" He looked at Joong who was hiding behind Dunk

"Did you tell him??"  Boun stood up

"I told you I'm bad at lying to him" Joong tweeted

"It's nothing to do with him. Why didn't you tell me?"  Dunk asked

"Because I didn't want speeches about it being wrong to be in a relationship with a human" Boun said

"I wouldn't give you speeches like that" Dunk said


"Ok maybe a little but you still should have told me"

"Ok ok" Boun rolled his eyes

"Wait a minute, you said relationship...are you in a relationship??"  Dunk asked

"No" Boun and Prem said together

"Sure" Dunk grinned "come on let's go so we don't disturb this couple"

Dunk left and Joong followed

They returned to Pond and Phuwin

"Are you done yelling at him?"  Phuwin asked

Dunk nodded

They continued to walk between the facilities and from time to time came across Gemini Fourth whose energies did not run out
They continued to walk until evening

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now