The second date

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Joong arrived at the restaurant half an hour late, this time they didn't make an appointment at the restaurant, alone, just the two of them

Joong looked around for Dunk

He was about to give up but then a couple got up from his table and he saw Dunk behind them sitting staring at the window

He rushed towards him

"Dunk" Joong sat up "I already thought you were gone"

"You took your time" Dunk looked at Joong

"I'm sorry"

"At least tell me there's a good reason for being late" Dunk rolled his eyes and expected to hear excuses

"My older brother hypnotized my younger brother even though it was the one and only promise we made to our parents who were already dead and then my brother became blind because his bodyguard pointed a flashlight at him so I had to take care of him and then I went to yell at my older brother and I got angry and who I'm pretty sure is in love with my brother and also my brother is in love with him ,came to explain to me that everything is fine and I have nothing to be angry about then I looked at the clock and saw that I was late so I got ready and came as fast as I could" Joong said quickly without breathing

He finished and took a deep breath

"Oh um wow" Dunk was speechless he wasn't expecting that " Ok the reason is good enough"

"Good" Joong smiled

"And..." Dunk hesitated to say it

"And what?"

"Sorry about your parents" Dunk put his hand on Joong's hand that was on the table

Joong moved his eyes to Dunk's hand touching his own and looked back into Dunk's eyes

Dunk noticed what he was doing and quickly moved his hand

"Let's order" Joong said

"I already ordered"

"Ah" Joong was disappointed and looking at the menu he called one of the waitresses

"Why are you calling her?"  Dunk asked

"To order myself food..."

"Oh you didn't understand...I ordered for both of us" Dunk said

"Oh wow" Joong was shocked "How did you know what to order?"

"I guessed" Dunk shrugged

The food arrived

"How did you know this is what I like?!"  Joong was surprised when he saw what Dunk ordered

"As I already said... I guessed" Dunk remembered Mix who had been corresponding with him all the time and who heard that Joong was late he asked Off what was going on and Off said he was going out so Mix asked him what Joong's favorite food was and passed the message to Dunk and told him to order it

The door of the restaurant opened and Dunk glanced at the door and saw Drake, his ex, walking into the restaurant with someone and his arm around that someone

"Shia" he hissed

"what?"  Joong asked

"I'll be right back" Dunk went to the bathroom and watched them from there

They sat down to eat at the table next to Joong

Drake sniffed the area

Dunk went into the bathroom and washed his face

His breathing started to become heavy, his heart was beating fast and he started to sweat

"Hey Dunk" he heard a voice

He looked up and saw Joong

"What happened?"  Joong ran to him

Dunk couldn't speak

"Ai it's okay breathe with me" Joong put his hands on Dunk's arms "Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out" Dunk followed Joong and relaxed

"What happened?"  Joong asked

"Let's just go" Dunk was still a little dizzy

"Ok, we'll go back and get our things and leave"

"You go get it yourself and then we'll go out the back door"

Joong nodded he was intrigued but assumed Dunk wasn't ready to tell him yet
After all, this is their second meeting

He went back to take their staff and went out

He found Dunk sitting on a bench outside looking around

When he saw Joong he got up and pulled him slowly at first and then he used vampiric speed

They reached a garden in the area and stopped to catch their breath

"We have to keep going, we need a place where he won't find us"

Dunk knew about Drake's ability to sniff the air and follow people and he didn't want him to follow him

"My house is close" Joong suggested

"Great take me there" Dunk nodded
He knew that their homes were quite close but he was too exhausted to make that way again

Joong held out his hand for Dunk
Dunk took his hand and they hurried to Joong's house


happy new year everyone🎊💛

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