Need an alliance

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Gun woke up

He opened his eyes and saw that he was in a large, empty room

He sat up and felt strong and energetic

"Oh finally you woke up" Off entered the room "How are you feeling?"

"Great" Gun stood up

Off smiled

"And now can you explain what is happening?"  Gun asked

"You're a vampire" Off said

"how?"  Gun sat down digesting the news "What happened to me?"

"My brother brought you his blood...he doesn't remember what happened and why, but I know that my brother doesn't just do it, somehow you died because his blood was in your body, that's why you became a vampire" Off explained to him

Gun was speechless

"Don't worry it's not terrible" Off tried to encourage him "I'll help you"

"I have a family to go back to" Gun tried to pass but Off stopped him

"You better not go back to your family now, it's dangerous, you still don't know how to control yourself"

"It sounds like your brother doesn't know either and he goes out anyway"

"Don't judge him" Off said "and he didn't kill anyone either, there is someone stopping him. you are alone right now...if you want to return to the family you are welcome but bloodlust is stronger than love for the people close to you" Off cleared the way for Gun to leave

Gan stood up and tears welled up in his eyes

"Great don't worry you'll get over it and you can come back to see them" Off said and hugged Gun

Gun felt weird but hugged him back for comfort

Suddenly he heard shouts and a stone was thrown from the window

"Off" Luke opened the door "Nameless tribe are down"

"I'll be right back" Off said to Gun "take care of him" he turned to Luke and went downstairs

"What happened?"  Off arrived and saw Earth and Mix looking sullen

"Your vampire" Mix said "he killed one of my vampires took every drop of blood out of her body"

Joong ran downstairs

"But I brought her some of my blood," Joong said

"Did you check that she was alive after you brought her the blood?"

Joong was silent he remembered that Pond passed out and he didn't come back to check on the girl

"I'm sorry Mix" Off apologized " I will take care and control of him"

"A little too late for forgiveness, isn't it?"  Mix asked "What makes me sure you didn't send someone to do this on purpose?"

"My promise?"

"I know it's only been a month since your parents died and you became the leader but promises don't work like that...we don't really trust anyone with no alliance"

Off knew what he was talking about

To create an alliance between vampires one of the children of the leader in one tribe must marry one of the children of the leader in the other tribe

"I don't have children" Off said

"Because I see your closeness to your brothers one of the brothers will be fine"

"I can't force them"

"You are the head of the tribe, you can do everything..."

Off remained silent

"Neemless" Earth yelled and the Neemless tribe was about to attack

"I'll do it," Joong said

"what?!"  Off turned to him

"I will marry your boy" Joong turned to Mix

"Good...Come tomorrow to the tribe area in the evening so you can meet" Mix turned and took the tribe with him

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now