Joong is in crisis

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"JOONG" Pond ran over to Joong who was sitting on the bed

"How can he ignore me like that?" Joong asked " I am rich, handsome, powerful and strong what else does he need?"

"what?" Pond started to get scared "Is everything alright?"

"Everything is just wonderful"

"What happened?"

"He ignored me the whole date" Joong was still shocked

"Dunk?" Pond remembered the name of who Joong had gone on a date with yesterday

" could he ignore me? I look like someone who can be ignored?"

Pond began to worry about his brother

"Hey you" Joong turned to Phuwin who was standing in the doorway "You would ignore me?!"

"In your current situation it's a bit difficult" Phuwin answered him

"I don't like this guy," Joong told Pond

"Yeah me neither"

"Hey Joon-" Off walked into the room "What the hell happened to your room?! Are you that excited?"

"excited? from what?" Joong asked

"Dunk's dad made another appointment so I assumed the date was a success"

"what?!" Joong and Pond shocked

"Maybe he's just playing hard to get?" Pond guessed

"Yes, it makes sense. Who can ignore my beauty?" The smile returned to Joong's face


Phuwin stood aside and began to understand why Joong and Pond were not only brothers but also besties

"Oh, I wanted to ask you," Pond said to Joong, "what does it mean that the eyes hurt? Because my eyes don't stop hurting since the morning, every little light feels like someone is shining a strong flashlight in my eye."

"I read something about that..." Joong tried to remember

"So Joong tonight it's okay?" Off got stressed and tried to change the subject
"Krub" Joong stood "But it's okay just give me Dunk's number"

Off brought him the number

"And maybe you should tidy up your room" he pointed to all the mess "Maybe he will come here"

"Hey, I won't do it with him so quickly," Joong was startled

"What..." Off took a few seconds to understand "Oh, no Joong! I didn't talk about it, I thought maybe because the meeting is near here and it's quite late, maybe he'd like to sleep here and we'll get to know him too...and in general, your room just looks like a pig farmer clean it up"

"Ah" Joong was embarrassed

Off left the room "to do it with him before the wedding" he chuckled to himself "Mix will kill him"

"What a gentleman" Pond punched Joong's shoulder and smiled

"Shut up" Joong said

"Well I'll leave you here to sort out your mess" Pond was about to leave

"No" Joong stopped him "You're going to help me sort it out"

"No but thanks for the offer" Pond used speed to get out of the room
"Ouch" he bumped into the door and saw that Phuwin had closed it

"Help your brother" Phuwin smiled at Pond and pointed to the mess

"Remember I said before that I don't like him? I take it back I'm starting to like him" Joong looked at what was happening with a smile

Pond looked from Joong to Phuwin and back

"Why would I clean here?!" Pond asked

"Why should I get married?" Joong said

"Why should I keep you?" Phuwin said

"Joong I thank you but no one asked you to marry I would have found another way, and you" he turned to Phuwin "you are welcome to go"

"I wish I could but I have to take care of you"


"Because you're making a mess...and it's also quite nice to upset you" Phuwin grinned

"Come on" Joong threw on Pond a pair of underwear

"I'll require another bag of blood for that," Pond warned

"Go for it anyway in the evening I'm going to a vampire restaurant"

Pond arranged half a room

"Can I take it now for energies?" Pond asked

"Yeah" Joong didn't care

He brought him the bag of blood but Phuwin grabbed it before Pond could open it

"Ai" Pond turned to Phuwin

"It's the third bag and it's only morning," Phuwin said

"Not your business" Pond tried to grab the bag and Phuwin twisted his arm

Pond spun himself back around and dropped Phuwin

They stared into each other's eyes

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