making out or drinking?

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"Where are you going?"  Phuwin asked when he saw Pond putting perfume on him

"I am going to meet my friends at the bar" Pond was about to leave but Phuwin stopped him

"Is there permission from Off?"

"I'm not going to drink there, just to meet with friends... and also, Off isn't my father, I don't need to ask him for permission to go out to meet with friends" Pond rolled his eyes

"You promise it's just to meet and you don't drink?"


Phuwin cleared the way for Pond and Pond left

"Do you really have to come with me?"  Pond asked Phuwin when he saw him following him

"Just making sure you don't screw up"

Pond sighed but kept walking

They reached the bar and went inside
Pond sat next to his friends and Phuwin sat to the side

About half an hour later, someone approached Phuwin
"Hello beautiful" she smiled at him and put her hand on Phuwin's thigh

"I'm not interested" Phuwin waved her hand away

"who do you think you are?!"  She poured her glass on Phuwin and left

Phuwin checked that Pond was still sitting with his friends and went to the bathroom to clean himself up

When he came out of the bathroom he looked where Pond was sitting with his friends and saw that he was gone and his friends were still there

He quickly went outside and saw him in the alley with a guy

It looked like they were making out
"Oh seriously Pond" Phuwin said rolling his eyes and was about to leave

"H He's drinking from me" Pond said quietly but Phuwin's vampiric hearing was strong enough to hear it

Phuwin kicked the guy out of Pond
He intended to kill him with a wooden stick that was nearby but heard Pond fall

"POND" Phuwin quickly rushed to Pond and in the meantime the guy ran away

The veins under Pond's eyes began to turn black - a sign that he was dying

Phuwin bit himself and gave Pond to drink from him so he wouldn't die but Pond didn't respond

"Hey stay with me" Phuwin yelled as he saw the veins turn blacker

Phuwin felt a rush of blood but Pond's veins were still black
He needed human blood

Phuwin saw a human walking alone and rushed to him
"What the hell ma-" the human began to say

"You'll listen to everything I say and then you'll forget it all happened" Phuwin hypnotized him

He brought him closer to Pond made a small cut in his hand and put his hand over Pond's mouth

He saw the veins begin to return to their normal color and was filled with relief

"Hey Pond stop" Phuwin tried to stop Pond but Pond didn't stop
He pulled the human from Pond

"Run and forget everything happened" Phuwin hypnotized him and the man ran

"Thank you" Pond muttered and passed out

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