The bomb

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Joong Dunk Pond and Phuwin went out for lunch

They sat down in one of the restaurants and ordered the food

"So you think they followed us?"  Joong asked phuwin quietly

"I felt someone following us but I couldn't see who" Phuwin whispered back "be alert but behave normally"

The food was served and they started eating

Suddenly Dunk put his hand on Joong's thigh in panic

"What happened?"  Joong was startled and asked Dunk

"I saw him" Dunk looked at a spot and opened his eyes



"WHERE?"  Joong looked where Dunk was looking but saw nothing

"He appeared for a second and disappeared"

Phuwin looked around


"Bend down" Phuwin shouted jumping on Pond and flattening him on the floor

Joong put a hand on Dunk's shoulder and fell to the floor with him

A bomb exploded outside the restaurant in front of where they were sitting

The bomb shattered the glass they were next to and came out full of wood in the shape of a screw

Pond and Phuwin got up
Phuwin's hand had some screws stuck in it but he was fine

Joong and Dunk also stood up

"Are you all right?"  Phuwin asked

"I'm fine" Pond said "but your hand-"

"Not now we'll take care of it later" Phuwin interrupted him "Joong? Dunk?"

"Yeah I'm fine" Joong said

"SHIA your back" Dunk turned Joong around and discovered about 15 wooden screws stuck in his back

"We'll take care of it later, we need to get out of here and quickly" Phuwin said and everyone left

They drove quickly to the Jumpol family's house

They arrived at the house, Joong and Dunk went to Joong's room

Phuwin was about to go to Off's office but Pond stopped him

"The screws" Pond pointed to Phuwin's hand

"I need to update Off first" Phuwin pulled and continued walking

"Now" Pond grabbed his hand and dragged him to his room
He sat him on the bed and took out the first screw

"Ouch" Phuwin complained

"Sorry" Pond continued to take out the rest  very carefully

He was going to bandage Phuwin's arm

"Why?"  Phuwin asked "We heal quickly anyway"

"1 It is made of wood, it will take at least a day to heal and 2 our mother used to bandage us even for small blows so I'm used to it"

Phuwin saw Pond's sad face when he mentioned his mother

He took Pond's hand and held it

Pond breathed and bandaged phuwin's hand

"Thank you for knocking me down so I wouldn't get hurt" Pond said and hugged him

"I already told you it's my job to-"

"Shut up and let me thank you" Pond rolled his eyes

Phuwin smiled and hugged Pond back

"Now you can go to update Off" Pond released from the hug

Phuwin left the room towards Off's office

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now