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"off" Gun woke him up

"what?"  Off answered in a sleepy voice he was still tired from last night

"You said we would go today" Gun sat down

"Oh right" Off sat up alert

They got dressed and went out

When they got to the place, Off got out first and opened the car door for Gun

"My gentleman papi" Gun kissed him and glanced at the house in front of them

the orphanage

Gun always wanted to adopt an orphaned child and take care of him in a warm and loving home

"Hello" the principal of the orphanage came out to meet them "Gun, right?"  She shook Gun's hand and Gun nodded "And you must be Off, his husband" she shook Off's hand as well

They went inside

Gun glanced to the side and saw five children laughing and next to them one child on the floor

The child did not cry, he got up and left and the children followed him

"From here" the principal called for Gun to keep walking

They entered her office and sat down

"Are you sure you don't want me to show you details about the children first?"

"Sure" Gunn said

"Ok" the principal typed some details on the computer

She got up and left the room and they followed her

"Children" she called the five children who were outside and they ran to her, only the little boy remained behind them

"Well you wanted a child at the age of 8 and these are the children" she said

"how about him?"  Gun pointed at the boy behind

"He's 7 years old" and then she got close to Gun's ear and whispered "and he's problematic, you don't want him"

Gun nodded but remained focused on the boy

"Ok then we'll do it in turns one by one" the principal said "everyone else come in, and you" she pointed to a chubby boy "be first"

The rest of the children entered and the little boy in the back also entered

"Dad" the boy jumped up and hugged Gun as soon as the door closed

Gunn smiled awkwardly

"Not yet" Off moved the boy back and whispered "and probably never"

After fifteen minutes, the principal came out and checked if they had finished

Off and Gun nodded and she brought the next child

He sat down next to them on the bench stuck his finger in his nose ate it and spread the leftovers on the bench

"So what's your name?"  Gun asked

"Sean" the boy answered

They continued to talk for another quarter of an hour until the principal came out again and took out another child

Same with the other kids

When they were done with the last boy Off sighed in despair

"what are you saying?"  Gun asked "Who did you connect with the most?"

"I leave the choice up to you" Off said

"This's it" the principal approached them

"Can I talk to one more boy?"  Gun asked

"These were the only 8-year-old children," the principal said

"Oh no, No matter the age" Gun said "the boy you said was problematic...can we talk to him?"  Gun asked hesitantly and Off looked at him surprised

"I can take him out," the principal shrugged, "but I don't think he'll want to talk."

"Let me try" Gun smiled and she went to get the boy

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