need a drink

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"I want to go out" Pond said

Phuwin sneered

"I haven't gotten drunk in almost a week," Pond complained, being drunk helped him forget about his dead parents

"and?"  Phuwin said

Pond rolled his eyes and tried to force his way out but Phuwin stopped him

"If it's so important to you to get drunk, drink from me" Phuwin suggested

"When I go Joong goes with me and stops me so that I don't drink too much but if it's just the two of us here there is no one to stop me" Pond sat down on the bed

"I will stop you"

"You'll be too weak for that"

"I'm stronger than most vampires"

"Has anyone ever had a drink from you?"


"So you don't know how it won't feel the blood draining from your body and when you realize it you will be too weak to resist"

"How do you know? has anyone ever had a drink from you?"

Pond was silent

"Who drank from you?"  Phuwin looked at Pond with a penetrating look

"It's not your business" Pond stood up

"I have an idea," Phuwin said

Pond looked at him and waited

"I can make a cut on my hand and pour some of my blood into a glass"

"It will just be too fast, every time it will fall just a little"

"Sounds like you're really experienced at this"

Pond shrugged

"It takes longer for a bite to just close so maybe instead of a cut I'll bite myself" Phuwin said

"But the bite doesn't drip, you have to pump it"

"It's a shame you're not that smart in other things" Phuwin despaired

"Maybe you'll just let me out and that's it?"


"Well, I want to get drunk, come with me and be responsible for me"

"I'm sorry Pond Off told me not to let you go out"

"Well then I will get a drink from you" Pond returned to sit on the bed

"What? But a moment ago you said-"

"I will manage to stop" Pond interrupted him

He wanted to drink just a little, not enough to get drunk but enough to weaken Phuwin so he could go out without him bothering him

Phuwin held out his hand

"I don't drink out of the hand" Pond lowered Phuwin's hand

"You also come with demands" Phuwin rolled his eyes but sat down next to Pond and moved his head a little to the side

Pond bit it and heard a small sigh from Phuwin's mouth

He continued to drink and felt Phuwin go limp in his arms

"P... Pond" he heard Phuwin mutter and realized he had drunk too much without noticing

He let go of Phuwin and Phuwin lay back weakly

"Shia" Pond hurried to check on him "fuck this blood affects too quickly" Pond spun around and lay down on the bed

"pond" he heard Phuwin say weakly

He lifted his hand a bit, bit it and put it on Phuwin's mouth

"Drink" Pond said

At first he didn't feel anything but then he felt a strong pull at the place of the bite and realized that Phuwin was drinking from him

He was filled with relief and immediately fell asleep

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now