one glass

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Fourth and Ford arrived at JJ's bar
They entered, shook hands and hugged their friends and sat down

"Fourth" JJ called him and Fourth approached him "I haven't seen you in a long time" he hugged him

"Yeah" Fourth said "I've been a little busy"

"Come on sit, we brought alcohol"

They sat together and JJ poured them shots

He handed Fourth the shot but Fourth handed him the glass back

"I don't drink, I don't feel well and alcohol will make it worse"

"Oh come on just one glass" JJ pushed the glass again

"One glass" Fourth agreed and drank

He passed between several other friends who asked him for 'just one glass' and sat down on the couch

His head hurt and he was already getting fuzzy

He went into the bathroom and leaned against the wall, the alcohol really increased his weakness, he felt like he was going to fall asleep

"Hey Fourth everything ok?"  JJ walks in after him

"Yes yes" Fourth leaned against the wall

"You're cute when you're drunk" JJ approached me

"JJ" Fourth felt it was too close "What are you doing?"

"Just once" JJ got even closer "you won't remember it tomorrow morning anyway, when you drink you don't remember anything"

"No JJ stay away" Fourth tried to resist when he caught him but was too weak

JJ picked him up and entered one of the adjoining rooms with him and Fourth was already unconscious

He laid him on the bed, took off his shirt and started kissing his neck

"Bitch" Gemini entered the room, punched JJ and knocked him out "Fourth" he rushed to Fourth "I told you to stay home"

He picked him up, took him out of the bar and put him in the car

They reached the house and Gemini took him out and brought him up to his room

"Taking care of you is really not easy" Gemini placed him on the bed "especially since you don't listen"

He sighed and went to get a bowl to clean his body

"Gem" Fourth muttered

"But you're worth every effort" Gemini melted

The red circles on his cheeks and his sweet voice...

He gave him a kiss and then pulled away knowing that if he continued he wouldn't be able to control himself

He put the bowl aside and lay down next to him

Fourth rolled over and hugged him
"Good night fotfot" he gave him a kiss on the forehead and fell asleep

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