Back to the alley

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Prem couldn't stop thinking about the person he saw when they went looking for Gun, Boun, he remembered his name

He felt the need to see him one more time and find out who he was

He waited for Fourth to go to bed and then quietly left

He didn't want to wake Fourth so he didn't take the car but walked

He reached the place of Boun's house and frustrated around ,he rang the bell and waited for an answer

Mix who heard the bell ringing checked the cameras and saw the human again and became suspicious

"Boun" he called his son

"Krub pa" Boon said

"This is the second time I've seen this human being here, last time they also took pictures"

"Why did he come back here? I already told him that his brother is not here"

"you know him?"

"He passed by here once at night and said he was looking for his brother"

"So that means this is already his third time here..."

"Dad what are you thinking about?"  Boun asked when he saw Mix's look

"Something suspicious to wanted to prove yourself after the mess with the wedding, right?"  Mix asked Boun

"I wouldn't say I want to prove myself but I do want to go out and have fun" Boun smiled

"Great then kidnap him" Mix said

"WHAT?!"  Boun was in shock "Why?"

"He saw the area too much and also took pictures of it. I suspect that he is not just a human being walking around here"

"And what then?"

"Ask him who he is, find out why he's filming here"

"I can't do it without kidnapping him?"

"If he's from the tribe I suspect he is, he won't just answer you about it and he'll also run away"

"I can use my speed"

"They train them to be faster than everyone else. You won't be able to catch have to be surprising and deadly"

"Krub Dad"

"Get out now before he goes"

Boun set off towards Prem


Fourth had been avoiding Gemini since he thought he saw him in the dark alley but he continued to follow him from afar

But every time he went home Fourth was able to follow him to a certain place and then he disappeared

He decided he needed to go back to the alley and find out why he was there

He saw Prem leaving the house and realized that this was his chance to get out without prem asking him any questions

He got ready and left too

He went to the alley area and looked around

Suddenly he heard a noise and hid behind a wall

After a few seconds he peeked over the wall and saw Prem

"What the hell is he doing here?!"  Fourth thought but remained in hiding

"Who are you hiding from" Fourth heard a voice behind him and jumped and shouted

He turned and saw Gemini

Gemini put him in a narrow side alley pinned him against the wall and silenced him

One hand covered Fourth's mouth and the other signaled him to be quiet

Gemini clings to Fourth

Fourth tensed and was about to push Gemini off him but then he heard a noise

He stopped moving and saw someone walking past them

As the man moved away Gemini dropped the hand that had been blocking Fourth's mouth

"what are you doing here??"  he asked fourth

"I..." Forth tried to think of an excuse "I lost my...stone here" Fourth bent down and picked up a stone from the floor "This is my very important lucky stone"

Gemini raised an eyebrow

Fourth smiled innocently

"How did she get here in the first place?"  Gemini asked

"I was looking for my brother" Fourth said "But why do you even care?"

"This is a dangerous place"

"so what are you doing here"

A scream stopped Gemini from answering the question

"It was Prem" Fourth opened his eyes and was startled


I think I will start posting one chapter every day because I started writing a new story (thanks to my you will probably get another story) and I don't have enough time to write the new book and also translate 2 chapters every day😅💛

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now