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Boun went outside and saw Prem walking around outside

"Hey p'Boun" Prem waved him
"You shouldn't have come back" Boun muttered and bared his fangs

Prem screamed and Boun rushed to him to silence him and Prem passed out in fear

When he woke up he found himself on a comfortable bed

He yawned and tried to stretch but found he was handcuffed

"What the hell" Prem tried to free his hand without success

"So you woke up" he heard a voice , looked up and saw Boun

Boun approached him and Prem tried to push himself against the wall

"I won't hurt you" Boum said

"You... you're a vampire" Prem stammered and was terrified

"Your acting ability is pretty good" Boun was impressed

"What acting?!? Why did you kidnap me??"  Prem didn't understand what Boun wanted from him

"I need to drain vampire blood for a ritual I'm doing" Boun smiled evilly

"And what does it have to do with me??"  Prem tried once more to free his hand

"You are the vampire"

"You turned me into a vampire?!"  Prem checked with his tongue if he had fangs

"I take my words back, your acting is not just pretty good , your acting is amazing"

Prem blinked incomprehension

"You're really not a vampire?"  Boun raised an eyebrow

"Do I look like a vampire to you?!"  Prem asked

"You are indeed quite white...but you are also too thin and too weak and your heart is really beating"

"Did you just call me skinny? Come closer, I'll show you who's skinny" Prem kicked his legs

"Then why did you take pictures of the area?"

"To check if this is really the place I was last time"

"Why would you do that?"

Prem turned red

"you're hot?"  Boun asked

"Yes, a little suffocated here" Prem waved at himself

Boun came closer

"Ai ai ai what are you doing?"  Prem asked

"The window behind you" Boun pointed to the window

"Aha" Prem raised his head

Boun clung to Prem so that his stomach was right in front of Prem's face

Pram took the opportunity to get back at Boun for calling him skinny and bit him

"OUCH" Boun pulled away and held where Prem bit him "you are not a vampire you are a dog!"

"Skinny huh?!"  Prem smiled proudly

Boun approached him again and Prem lay down
Boun pinned his hands to the bed

Prem swallowed and was afraid

Boun chuckled

Prem tried to kick him and take him down but Boun blocked his legs and stared at him

"Can you please stop staring at me already?"  Prem complained "it's creepy"

Boun realized what he was doing and got off of Prem and Prem sat back down

"I'll be right back" Boun opened the door

"Come back with food for me" Prem shouted to him and the door closed

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now