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"Saint?"  Joong was shocked when he saw him "w... what are you doing here?"

"Just like Pond's reaction" Saint smiled

"What did you do to him?"  Joong asked

"I just took his power ,relax" Saint rolled his eyes

"JUST?!"  Joong tried to move forward but felt dizzy

"Joong?"  Phuwin asked seeing him whirl around

"I'm fine but I wasted too much blood" Joong took one step back

Ellen Winn and Drake approached them

Ellen and Drake stood up to Joong and Drake kicked Joong in the stomach

Joong, who was already weak, immediately fell back

"Don't hurt him like that" Ellen stopped him

In the meantime, Winn approached Pond
"So you're that guy" win said scornfully

"What guy?"  Phuwin asked

Winn didn't answer he took out his sword and Phuwin could smell the poison rising from it

He attacked and Phuwin blocked his attack and pushed him back

"Maybe when you're not here anymore he'll come back to me" Win resumed the attack

After a few times Phuwin got tired and made a wrong move

Winn kicked him and Phuwin fell back he looked up to see Pond who's eyelids were fluttering

He's alive Relief filled Phuwin's heart

Looking forward he saw Win brandishing the sword
Phuwin hugged Pond and protect him with his body

"STOP" someone shouted


Drake rolled his eyes he thought Joong was weak and could be handcuffed but as he got closer Joong kicked him and stood and Drake flew back and hit the rocks

"Stop Joong! don't fight, you don't stand a chance" Ellen told Joong "every effort you make now is exhausting you"

"You've been with me long enough to know that I don't give up that easily" Joong stood up

"Whatever you choose" Ellen rolled her eyes and approached him she raised her knives and made a cut in his chest and Joong shouted
He stepped back and leaned against the wall. She tried to do another cut but he blocked her

He picked up one of the heavy stones that was next to him and threw it at her, hitting her

"Ellen" Drake ran to her

He angrily turned back to Joong


Joong heard a voice shout
He saw Dunk's form at the cave entrance but no longer knew if it was hallucinations

He felt how everything became a blur and he falls to the side but someone caught him before he hit the floor

"It's okay I'm here" this someone told him and everything went black


Happy birthday to phi Earth🥹🥳🤎

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