break in

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Joong woke up to see that he and Dunk had fallen asleep on the couch

He got up picked up Dunk and laid him on the bed
He covered him with a blanket and moved his hair out of his eyes

Joong left the room quietly so as not to wake Dunk and made breakfast for both of them

When he saw that Dunk didn't wake up he started to arrange the boxes that were brought yesterday

When he finished arranging one box Dunk left the room

"Good morning, I made breakfast" Joong smiled and walked over to Dunk

Dunk was startled
Yesterday's breakfast was disgusting but he ate it all so Joong wouldn't get hurt but he couldn't take it anymore

"It's ok I'm not hungry" Dunk opened the fridge and took out a bag of blood

"Do you have plans for today?"  Joong asked

"Yes me and Boun decided to go to a restaurant in the area"

"Oh nice, enjoy"

"Do you have any plans?"

"No, I'll stay at home and clean what we didn't clean yesterday"


"I'll call Pond"


Dunk went to get dressed before he left he gave Joong a little kiss and quickly left

Joong blushed and smiled

He called Pond to come help him and Pond said he would arrive in about half an hour

Meanwhile, Joong started tidying up himself

About half an hour later the bell rang

Joong went to open the door thinking it was Pond but his ex Ellen was standing at the door with a gun pointed at him
"Hey Joong" she waved her other hand

Joong tried to close the door but she kicked the door and threw him away

He lay down on the floor and groaned

She walked in with the gun still pointed at Joong

"What do you want?"  Joong asked

"We haven't seen each other in such a long time and that's what you have to say?"

"What do you want?" Joong repeated the question

"All this time you lied to me, how could you tell me you love me?!"

"I loved you" Joong said

"Then why did you break up with me?"

"You changed, you hung out with the wrong people and you didn't listen to me when I told you to stay away from them, we didn't talk for a whole fucking month until I broke up with you"

"Excuses...did you love him while you were with me?"


"your dunk"

"How do you know the name of-"

"It doesn't matter just answer my question" the gun was still aimed at Joong

"I didn't know him"

"So you married a person you don't know after a week?"

"You know that we get married for an alliance"

"So does that mean you don't love him?" A smile spread across her face and she lowered the gun

"I did not say that"

The smile was erased

"Come back to me" Ellen aimed the gun back

"I'm sorry Ellen I can't" Joong said

Ellen aimed the gun at Joong's chest

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now