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Joong stood up and hugged Pond

"You're suffocating me" Pond tried to break free from the suffocating hug

"Where were you?"  Joong did not release

"I  was gone for barely a day why are you being so dramatic?"

"You've been missing for barely a day after someone tried to assassinate us the last few days" Joong corrected him

"I have to tell you what I found out"

"I know Off hypnotized you and you must be angry but he didn't mean for it to hurt you"

"I'll talk about it with Off later-, wait what, you knew about it??"


"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because I knew how you would react ,and I guessed right, you disappear for a day"

"I would have disappeared for more if I hadn't discovered what I discovered"

"See, I know what I'm doing, and by the way, what did you find out?!"

"As we suspected Ellan Winn and Drake are working together...but it seems to me they are working for someone who is telling them to do all these things"

"What? How do you know about that?"

"When I ran away I saw them talking, they were telling each other about their failures"

"They said why are they doing this?"  Dunk also joined the conversation

"They just said they wanted to take one of us to the cave probably to their boss"

"They said who's the boss? What his name?"

"No they didn't say anything, I accidentally stepped on a branch and they heard me so I had to go"

"We have to tell Off" Joong said

"POND" Phuwin opened the door ran to him and hugged him "You scared the hell out of me"

Pond was surprised by the gesture and did not know how to respond

"Why did you run away like that? Why didn't you talk to me?"  Phuwin released him and scowled at him

"Phuwin, Pond discovered something you should hear it" Joong interrupted Phuwin's scolding

"What did you find out?"  Phuwin asked Pond

Pond told him

"Shia who could it be?"  Phuwin asked when Pond finished telling the story

"It must be someone who wants to take revenge on us" Off who was at the door entered

Pond ignored him

"But who?"  Joong asked

"We are a strong vampire tribe...many people want us dead" Off said "Pond can I talk to you?" he asked

Pond did not answer him

"Get out please" Off asked Joong Dunk and Phuwin

"It's my room" Joong complained but started to walk away

They left quickly and Off closed the door

"I'm sorry" Off said

"You broke what we promised our parents," Pond said

"I didn't mean to but it was really for your benefit"

Pond did not answer

"You know if you went out alone you could kill someone and then you'd feel guilty" Off said

"You could hold me"

"We both know you would turn yourself invisible and run away"

Pond did not answer
He was nervous at the time and all he wanted was to go out and get drunk, he didn't really think about what would happen

"I should have tried harder" Off stepped towards him "I'm sorry I won't do it again"

"If you do that again-" Pond started to say

"I won't" Off interrupted him

Pond nodded and Off went to give him a hug but Pond stopped him

"Not yet, give it time" Pond said

Off nodded
"You can come in" he called to Joong Dunk and Phuwin

They went back in and Gun went in with them and Gemini and Fourth came back from school and were updated on everything that happened

"Are you done?"  Joong asked

"Yes" Off answered

"So what do we do about the boss?"  Phuwin asked

"I'll go through the tribe's history and make a list of who can do it"

"Shia, that's a lot, will you do it alone?"  Gemini asked

" No, he won't, he has someone to help him" Joong smiled and looked from Off to Gun

"someone?"  Gemini asked and didn't understand

"Shut up" Off silenced Joong and took Gun's hand and left the room with him

"Well that was obvious" Fourth said

"Everyone knew about it but me?"  Gemini asked

"Probably" Joong shrugged "well now get me out of the room" Joong kicked everyone out

"Yes, let's go, we won't disturb them, they were in the middle of doing something" Pond smirked and looked at Dunk that turned red

"Ai Pond" Joong threw a book at him but Pond had already closed the door

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now