Keep them safe

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"When you were a child you got angry quickly and ran away from home a lot and disappeared for a long time" Tay told him "Me and New worried about you, we wanted to know where you were going at this time, so one day we decided to follow you
we found you playing with a little boy, when we approached you you immediately hid behind him, the boy introduced himself and said his name was Boun but when I looked at him I knew he was not a normal boy but a vampire and because like I told you before I didn't want you to enter this world I had to keep you away from him, me and New tried to get you to stop walking but you always ran away again when we didn't notice"

"How come I don't remember that?"  Prem asked

"Well…" Tay looked at New


Tay sighed lightly
"When we saw that you didn't stop, we decided that maybe you should forget him, so I sat down and looked for a magic that makes memories disappear and I used it on you..."

Prem was shocked
"I need time to think about it" he turned and quickly walked into the room

"Prem!" Tay called and followed him but Prem entered the room and closed the door


About an hour later Off arrived at their house, he rang the doorbell and Tay opened the door

"Off" Tay said

"Hey" Off smiled

"Gun Prem Fourth! off is here" Tay said

Gun went down first and hugged Off

Off hugged Gun back and when he looked up he saw Tay staring at him and released from the hug

Prem and Fourth followed him and they left

Before they closed the door Tay said out loud "off please take care of them"

"Hey Fourth" Gemini waved to him from the car

Fourth came in with a smile and sat next to him


Boun Joong Dunk Pond and Phuwin went with Boun's car

Pond Phuwin and Joong sat in the back and Joong kept looking in the mirror at Dunk and Boun who were talking, and Boun made sure to look at him with a warning look from time to time

They arrived and met there with Off Gun Gemini Fourth and Prem

"Hey Prem" Boun walked up to him

"I need to tell you something" Prem pulled him forward

"Hey we said we were all going together" Dunk called to them when he saw they were going but they were too far away to hear him

"So can we come back?"  Joong asked hopefully

"No" Dunk grinned

"Gemgem" Fourth shaked him "let's go on the roller coasterrr"

Fourth started running forward and Gemini ran after him

"Well then I guess it won't be all together" Dunk despaired

"Yes, we are not continuing with you either" Off held Gun's hand and ran forward with him

"Well then it's just the four of us" Dunk said

"I'd be happy to go and hang out without Joong's screams but I won't abandon my brother" Pond put a hand on Joong's shoulder

"You are just coming with me because my screams will disguised yours" Joong smirked

"This is not true" Pond defended himself

"Sure" Joong rolled his eyes

They entered the amusement park together

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now