where is my brother

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Fourth ran in the direction the scream came from but when he got there he didn't see anyone

"I told you this is a dangerous place, you have to leave" Gemini followed him

"That was Prem's voice," Fourth said

"Try texting him" Gemini suggested

"Hey Prem where are you?"  Fourth texted Prem

"He doesn't answer" he told Gemini

"Wait a few seconds you just sent him that" Gemini said

Fourth's phone vibrated

"I'm home"
he received a message back from Prem

"Oh okay" Fourth texted back

"Well see I told you he was fine" Gemini said

"It's not Prem" Fourth put the phone in his pocket

"What?Why do you think so?"

"Because Prem would answer me something cynical or ask why and where are you"

Gemini didn't know what to say

Fourth looked around and saw that it was the house of the guy he and Prem met-Boun

He was about to ring the doorbell but Gemini grabbed his hand and stopped him

"What are you doing?"  Fourth tried to free his hand

"It's a dangerous house," Gemini said

"So that means Prem is in danger!"

"And would it help you to ring now?! What can you do?!?"

Fourth didn't think about it

"Who are they anyway??why would they kidnap Prem?!"

"I don't know why they kidnapped him or if they even kidnapped him"

"Do you know who they are?"  Fourth looked at the house

"I'll tell you in a safe place not here" Gemini looked to see that there was no one in the area

"Ok I want to go to my house first to check that Prem is sure not there" Fourth started walking and Gemini followed him "Why are you following me?"

"I'm helping you...and I also said I'd tell you"

Fourth looked at Gemini suspiciously but continued walking with Gemini following

They arrived at Fourth's house and he ran into Prem's room

He opened the door and the room was empty

Fourth stood in front of the door and felt the hope drain from him

"We'll get him back" Gemini put a hand on Fourth's shoulder

Fourth nodded

"Do you want to stay here tonight?"  Fourth suggested "You must be exhausted"

"Yes I would love to" Gemini jumped at the chance to spend more time with Fourth

They went to Fourth's room and Fourth got into the shower

When he went out and looked for big clothes for Gemini

"I'm not sure it will fit you" Fourth handed Gemini some clothes

Gemini went into the shower

"what is going on with you?!"  Fourth imagined Prem saying to him "A moment ago you didn't trust the guy and now you're letting him sleep with you?"

Fourth shook the imaginary Prem out of his head and lay down to sleep

He was exhausted and fell asleep quickly

Gemini came out and found Foruth sleeping
"Don't worry Fourth" he laid down next to him "I'll help you get your brother back"

Gemini said and went to sleep

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