Meeting gun's boyfriend

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Fourth demanded that Gemini take him to his house

"I don't know if Off will agree…" Gemini said

"Don't worry Off didn't know you took me there" Fourth said

"The fact that you come in with me won't be suspicious?"

"Oh no, I won't go in with you, I'll go in first and you'll wait a little longer outside and then go in"

"Why would you go in first?"

"Because..." Fourth tried to think of an excuse, he was afraid to stay outside, the neighborhood is scary "else they might think I followed you and thay will blame you"

"Right...wait, but what will you say if they ask you how you found the place?"

"I'll find an excuse"

Gemini took him to the Jampul family's house

"Shia" Fourth went in alone first and saw how huge and beautiful the house was

He saw rooms above and went up the stairs towards them

He felt someone following him but kept walking

Suddenly he felt a knife against his neck

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"  A voice asked from behind him

"A I'm looking for Gun" Fourth raised his hands humbly

"What do you want from Gun?"

"I'm his brother"

The man dropped the knife and started to lead him down the corridor with the knife still in his hand ready to attack

"Gun?"  They stopped and the man knocked on the door

"Yes Luke" Gun opened the door "FOURTH?!"

Fourth waved behind Luke

"So you do know him?"  Luke asked

"Yes, this is my brother" Gun came out and hugged Fourth

Fourth hugged Gun back

"what are you doing here?"  Gun asked him

"It's Prem... he's been kidnapped" Fourth said

"WHAT?!"  Gun yelled

"What happened?"  Off quickly left his room when he heard the shout "Hey Gun's brother what are you doing here?"

Off passed a suspicious glance at Fourth Gun and Luke

"Do you know who took him?"  Gun ignored Off

"We have suspicions," Fourth said

"Wait...we? Who is we?"

Forth stay silent

Gemini, who had meanwhile entered the house and heard this, tried to quietly sneak into the room

"Gemini" Off noticed him and called him
"Are you related to this?"  Off pointed to Fourth

"What, no, i don't know him, I've never met him" Gemini tried to look calm without success

Off rolled his eyes and sighed

"So who do you think it is?"  Off asked

"The Pirafat family" Gemini said then remembered that he shouldn't know anything about it "i mean if I knew him and knew his brother was kidnapped I would suspect the Pirafat family"

Off blinked in disbelief at his brother's stupidity

"Why would they do that?"  Gun asked Off

"I'll go talk to them" Off said

"I also want to hear the conversation"

"I think it's better if you stay and talk to your brother"

Gun realized that Off was hinting him to tell Fourth about him being a vampire
Fourth should know about this

"Come on Fourth I need to tell you something" Gun entered the room and pulled Fourth after him


It's my birthday today, so maybe I won't be able to translate tomorrow's chapter, I'll try
But I want to say thank you so much for reading, voting, commenting and supporting💛💛💛💛

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