Hiding under the blanket

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"Good morning Dunk" Joong kissed Dunk's forehead and woke him up

"Good morning" Dunk tightened the hug and cutely moved his head that was on Joong's chest

"my kitty" Joong smiled and stroked Dunk's hair "Do you want to go somewhere today?"

"Yeah" Dunk said half asleep

"where?" Joong asked

"For an amusement park"

"what?!" Joong was startled and stopped stroking Dunk's hair

"What happened?" Dunk raised his head

"We're not going to the amusement park" Joong shook his head "Do you have anywhere else you want to go?"

Dunk found the opportunity to pay back Joong for his lie yesterday

"No" Dunk smiled evilly

"But-" Joong wanted to argue and was about to use his puppy dog eyes but Dunk quickly got up and threw a pillow at him

"I'm going to take a shower" he hurried to the bathroom knowing that otherwise he would give in and stay curled up with Joong in bed all day "Ask Pond Phuwin Gemini Fourth off and gun if they want to come too"


Pond woke up and stared at Phuwin with a smile

"Why are you looking at him?" Phuwin asked

"I'm not" Pond, who didn't know that Phuwin was awake, turned his head away

Phuwin sneered

They heard the door open and Pond quickly covered Phuwin

"Hey Pond" Joong sounded sleepy

"Hey Joong" Pond said "what do you want?"

"Dunk wants to go to the amusement park he asked if you want to come too" Joong said

"Yes I will come" Pond nodded

"And ask Phuwin too," Joong added


Pond waited for Joong to leave but Joong stayed by the door

"do you need anything else?" Pond asked

"Well ask him" Joong waited

"now?" Pond looked at the phone on the table and knew that if he got up to take it joong would see Phuwin

"Yes" Joong said


"No, now"

Pond took a deep breath
Suddenly he felt something tickling him in the stomach

"Ai Sat" Pond muttered

"Are you okay?" Joong saw Pond squirm and worried

"Yeah yeah" Pond smiled and hugged Phuwin who was under the blanket so he would stop tickling him

Phuwin was at first surprised and steamed under the blanket but then smiled and hugged Pond back

"You look strange" Joong said "and red too...are you sick? You mustn't be sick I can't go with Dunk alone he will abuse me And will make me get on all the scariest rides"

"No no I'm fine" Pond swallowed

"Good" Joong smiled and sat down on the bed

"Dunk looks so cute but he can be really mean sometimes..." Joong started talking about Dunk

Pond sighed knowing he could talk about Dunk for hours


Finally Joong left the room

Pond lifted the blanket and saw that Phuwin had fallen asleep
He grinned and it woke Phuwin up

"he went?" Phuwin rubbed his eyes

Pond nodded

"I'll get up to take a shower first, you can continue to sleep a little longer" he said

Phuwin released from Pond and Pond stood
He gave Phuwin a kiss and went to take a shower

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now