worries and thoughts

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Fourth returned home and told Prem what happened with Gemini

"I'm telling you he's a vampire" Fourth said

"Did you think maybe he was just teasing you?!"  Prem said

"But he said he would suck my blood"

"Because he teased you" Prem gave up

"I still think he's a vampire"

"You read too many books"

"I'll bring you proof"

"Sure..." Prem ran out of energy to argue with him "By the way, did you talk to Gun? I haven't been able to catch him since this morning"

"Neither do I... See, I told you that something happened with the way he went out this morning... It must have something to do with the scarf"

"Or he's just at work and has no reception"

"Or he was kidnapped"

Prem rolled his eyes and his phone vibrated

"Hi, this is a message from Gun" Prem opened the message "he wrote that he is fine and he won't be back sleeping here tonight"

"Or he's kidnapped and the kidnapper is talking on his phone"

Prem blinked in disbelief at Fourth's imaginary mind.

"I think he has a boyfriend" Prem said "that also explains the scarf...you know..."

"Yes, it's true and makes sense" Fourth reflected on what Prem said "but just in case we might try to call him"

They called and the phone went to voicemail

"Ok now I'm also starting to worry" Prem said

*Meanwhile on Gun's side*

Gun sat in the room and waited for Off to return

In the meantime he took out his phone and saw many missed calls from Prem and Fourth so he texted Prem that he was fine

Off came back and when he saw that Gun was on the phone he used his vampiric speed to get to him and break his phone

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?!!"  Gun stood up and asked

"It's for the safety of the tribe" Ogf answered "Phones are not allowed here"

"But you have a phone"

"Only phones checked by me can log in"

"Now how am I supposed to contact my family?"

"Call from my phone"

"You think I know their numbers by heart?!"

"Sorry, It was by instinct " Off apologized

"I'll just have to talk to them soon" Gun sat back down "otherwise they'll worry"

"Ok, I'll come with you tomorrow and we'll also buy you a phone" Off said

*back to Fourth and Prem*

"Locate the device" Fourth told Prem

Prem brought the computer and started tracing Gun's phone

"He was last seen in the abandoned neighborhood" Prem said "strange"

"See, I told you he was kidnapped"

"Relax, we still don't know what happened"

"So let's go look there"

"It's dark now" Prem complained

"But Gun could be in danger"

Prem closed his eyes for a moment to think and then got up and moved towards the exit

"Good choice" Fourth followed happily

He always wanted to explore this area but his parents forbade them

"The parents are going to kill us" Prem said

"First thing they don't know and second thing if something happened to Gun they would kill us and abuse our body" Fourth said

They got into the car and drove to the abandoned neighborhood

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now