Bargain on the side of the road

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Off and Gun quickly finished their coffee and went to get Prem

They found him walking down the street and in the process kicking a stone

"HEY PREM" Gun shouted to him from the car

"Gun" Prem advanced towards them

"come in"

Prem got into the car and they drove towards the Jumpol family's house

"what are you doing here?"  Prem asked Gun

"We came to pick you up" Gun answered

"How did you know where I was?"  Prem became suspicious

"We have some things to discuss."

"You what?!"  Prem was shocked by what Gun told him "How did this happen?!"

"I don't remember it...all I know is that I had vampire blood in my body and I died"

Prem didn't know how to react, he shrunk in the seat

"It's still me, Gun, your brother" Gun smiled

Prem did not answer and looked at the window

They arrived at the house and went down

"Wow" Prem was amazed when they entered

"Yeah" Gun nodded

"PREMMMM" Fourth jumped down the stairs and hugged him

"Air-" Prem was crushed in a hug

"Where did you find him?"  Fourth released from the hug and asked Gun

"You talk about me like I'm a puppy"

"I can see the imagination" Fourth teased him

"Hey Fourth" Fourth ran and Prrm chased after him

Off and Gun laughed from the sidelines


"Dunk" Joong texted dunk

"what?!"  Dunk finally answered back

"You're not ignoring me🥹"

"A bit difficult with all this message"

"😅Can we meet today?"


"Why? What are you doing?"


"Then why can't we meet?"

"Because I don't want to"

"I'm coming"

"I won't open for you"

"we'll see about that"

Dunk was worried about what Joong would do but put the phone aside and went to take a shower

He came out with a robe and a towel and dried his hair

He meant to sit on the bed but felt he sat on something

"Ouch" Joong complained

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"  Dunk stood up quickly and dropped the towel

"You were in the shower for a long time" Joong yawned

"what are you doing here?"  Dunk repeated the question

"I told you I was coming" Joong shrugged

"What happened to your head?!"  Dunk approached Joong when he saw the blood on his forehead

Jlong raised his hand and when he touched his forehead he found that it was bleeding

"I must have been hurt when I jumped out of the window but I didn't feel the blood" Joong chuckled

"It's not funny" Dunk said

Joong shrugged and Dunk sighed

Dunk went to get a small box and took out a bandage

He sat down next to Joong and treated the wound

"You remember we're vampires and that doesn't help us right?"  Joong asked

"You still have to take care of yourself" Dunk said

Joong's eyes glistened and he felt the tears welling up

This is exactly what his mother would do and say when Joong was injured

"Are you crying? Does it hurt that much?"  Dunk grinned

Joong wiped away the tear that fell

When Dunk saw that Joong wasn't smiling he stopped smiling and hugged him

Joong hugged him back and buried his head in Dunk's neck

"It's okay" Dunk stroked his back and calmed him down

After a few minutes they stopped hugging and Joong wiped away the tears

"Then why did you want to come?"  Dunk asked gently

"Getting to know you better before the wedding" Joong said

"what do you want to know?"

" What happened with your ex that you're not willing to open up to me?” Joong tried

"I-" Dunk tried to avoid

"please dunk"

Dunk still hesitated

"I just want to help, we're getting married in two days, I want to know what hurt you , I care about you"

"Yes you're right you deserve to know" Dunk nodded and sighed

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now