the hypnotist

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Pond jumped out of the bathroom window and headed for the bar

He was almost there when someone pulled him aside into an alley

He opened his eyes and saw Phuwin putting a hand over his mouth to silence him

"Didn't you say it's not fun to go out alone?"  Phuwin reminded Pond of what he had said

Pond removed Phuwin's hand from his mouth

"You believed it" Pond shrugged

"Let's go back" Phuwin said

"Do you really think I'll come back now? Until I finally managed to get out... do you think I'll come back??"


Pond grinned and walked out of the alley and bumped into someone

"Off" Pond looked up and saw his older brother

"what I told you?"  Off looked at him

"I also told you that I don't need a babysitter and he won't help, but you didn't listen"

"I didn't want to do it but you leave me no choice" Off held him by the shoulders

"Oh You're not really going to-"

"You'll come back home" Off hypnotized him "You'll go with Phuwin, get on the bed, go to sleep and not cause problems , and when you wake up you won't remember any of it"

Pond nodded and Off released him

"Take him" Off turned to Phuwin

Phuwin nodded and took Pond

They returned home and Pond lay down on the bed and closed his eyes

Phuwin stared at him and saw a tear fall from his eye

He wiped the tear covered him and went to sleep next to him


Off came back and went through Gun's room

He found him on the phone

"Hey" Gun waved to him

"Hey" Off entered

"something happened?"

Off sat down on the bed

"Pond..." Off sighed

"What happened to him?"  Gun left the phone and listened to Off

"It's just..." Off searched for the words "Since our parents died he hasn't stopped making trouble I don't know what to do anymore"

"I heard about vampire doesn't work on him?"

"Did you read on Google?"  Off giggled

"Yes" Gun was embarrassed

"It's not exactly what it says on Google..." Off got serious again "When you're hypnotized you feel what's happening but you can't do anything about it... in most cases you don't even remember what happened or do something and don't know why you did it, it's a terrible feeling"

"So you didn't use it on Pond?"

"I look when he realized I was going to do it...and then when I did it he had a hollow but betrayed look" Off closed his eyes remembering Pond's look

"You wouldn't use it if there was another choice"

"I could have just ignored it and let him go"

"You couldn't and it would destroy him even more if he did something bad"

"Yes, you're probably right." Off still looks sad

Gun put a hand on Off's shoulder and tried to comfort him

"Does that mean I have to do it every time it happens?"

"I heard you brought him a bodyguard didn't you?"

"He ran away from him too"

"Wait, let them sort themselves out, maybe it will help"

Off smiled at Gun and Gun smiled back

"Thanks" Off said "How are you doing?"

"Still getting used to it...and my brothers keep asking questions because of what you told them"

"Sorry, that's what popped into my head" Off laughed

"Couldn't you just say friends and go on vacation with some friends?"

"Sorry, sorry, I'll let you talk next time"

"Thanks for helping me with this whole vampire thing"

"Just taking responsibility for my brother's actions"

"First thing It is still not sure and second thing I don't think it's really your brother's responsibility"

"What? Why do you think that?"

"What you said before, about the hypnosis...I think I went through something similar"

"Yes Pond hypnotizes his "meals" so they don't remember what happened to them"

"Yes, but I think forgetting wasn't the only thing they told me"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not entirely sure but I think someone told me to kill myself"

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now