the book

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Phuwin updated Off on what happened

"So you think there is a connection between the two cases?"  Off he asked

Puuwin nodded

"What can we do?"  Off asked

"I think they'll try to come back one more time and this time we'll have to catch them, at least one of them," Phuwin said

"Why do you think they'll try again?"

"Because they didn't get what they wanted"

"Makes sense but how will we know when?"

"We can't know, we have to be alert and pay attention all the time"

"I'll hire more guards"

"No, if they see we are surrounded by guards they won't try again"

"Ok then no more guards"

"Do you or Gemini have obsessive exes too?"

"No, Gemini and I have never been in a relationship"

"Ok, I'll keep an eye on Pond and keep an eye on you too just in case"

Off nodded and Phuwin left his office

Off went to Gun and told him what was going on and how worried he was

"Hey it's okay, Phuwin is smart his plan will work and no one will get hurt" Gun comforted him and put a hand on his thigh

"I just feel like I'm not protecting the tribe well enough if this didn't happen when my parents were the leaders..." Off sighed and looked at Gun's hand

"You do what you can and don't forget that your parents were two and you are a leader alone"

"What if I don't want to lead alone anymore" off looked up at Gun "Can you help me?"

Off leaned in and kissed Gun
they broke apart a few long seconds later

"I'll help you" Gun placed his forehead on off's


Fourth and Gemini came back from school and Fourth ran into Gemini's room and jumped on the bed

"Hey Fourth take a shower first it was hot outside and you were sweating" Gemini complained

"Okay" Fourth got up and went to shower
He came out a while later holding a hair dryer with a broken wire
"Gemini" he smiled awkwardly and showed him the broken wire

Gemini sighed, took a towel and approached Fourth.

"What are you doing?"  Fourth took a step back "Are you going to strangle me?? I'll pay you whatever it costs don't kill me"

"I just want to dry your hair so you don't catch a cold" Gemini rolled his eyes

"Aha" Fourth jumped on the bed

"I'll buy a new dryer tomorrow" Gemini started drying his hair

"No there's no need I like it better when you dry it for me" Fourth leaned back on Gemini

Gemini smiled, finished drying his hair and went to shower
He went out, sat on the bed and checked the messages on his phone when he suddenly felt someone touch his head

"What are you doing?"  he asked fourth

"Dring your hair" Fourth smiled "so you don't catch a cold"

Gemini rolled his eyes with a smile

"Oh by the way" Gemini got up from the bed "your book"

He went to the table and took out a book about vampires

"Shia I was looking for this" Fourth grabbed it from his hand

"You dropped it at school and ran so I saved it for you"

Fourth remembers that he encountered Gemini and fell, apparently the book has remained with him ever since

"Why are you smiling?"  Gemini asked

"what?"  Fourth noticed he was smiling "oh nothing...thanks for saving him"

It was Gemini's turn to smile

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now