Delivery of underwear

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They arrived at Joong's house

It was late and the house was quiet

Joong went in first and checked that no one was in the way and led Dunk to his room

Joong opened the door and remembered the mess he had in the room

He hesitated at first but the sound of a door opening down the hall made him let Dunk in and get in quickly

"Wow really clean here" Dunk swallowed and was shocked by the mess

"Make yourself comfortable" Joong smiled and kicked underwear that was on the floor under the bed

Dunk sat down on the bed carefully

Joong tried to arrange some things that were on the table but everything fell and made even more of a mess and one of Joong's perfumes fell

"Shia" Joong bent down to pick up the broken glass

Dunk got up to help him

"Ouch" Dunk was cut from one of the glasses

"Dunk" Joong took Dunk's hand and took the glass out of it so that the wound will heal quickly "be careful"

Joong was still holding Dunk's hand

The door opened and Pond and Phuwin fell on top of each other

"What are you doing here?"  Joong was startled and let go of Dunk's hand

"We came to see how my brother and his future wife are doing" Pond smiled

Phuwin got up from Pond's back and helped Pond up

"I'm Pond" Pond approached Dunk and shook his hand

"Dunk" Dunk shook his hand back

Joong looked away and raised an eyebrow
"How come he ignored me for almost the entire first date and to Pond he shakes hands in the first second?!" Joong thought

"Well we'll overlap and we won't stop you from doing what you want to do" Pond proceeded to the exit and winked at Joong

"Ai Pond" Joong threw underwear that was next to him at him

Pond moved his head and it landed on the face of Off who was standing in the entrance

"Wonderful smell" the underwear slid off Off's face "hey Dunk how are you?"
Off knew Dunk from the times he visited the Neemless tribe

"I'm fine, what about you?"  Dunk smiled at Off

"Wonderful ,as you can see" Off pointed at the people and the mess in the room

"Hey Off" Gun came up behind Off "You said you would teach me how to bite"

Pond and Joong exchanged glances and frowned at Off with a teasing smile

"Go help your baby learn to bite" Pond told Off

Off took the underwear and threw them on Pond

Pond once again dodged and the underwear flew towards Dunk

Joong rushed and at the last moment moved Dunk and fell on the bed with him

"watch out it is deadly" Joong smiled

Dunk swallowed and did not move

"You keep giving me opportunities to tease you" Pond clapped enthusiastically

Joong once again took the underwear and threw it at Pond and this time it really hit him in the face

"Ugh Joong how long haven't you washed it?!"  Pond quickly brushed it off his face

"I don't know since mom isn't here to take my laundry and tidy up the room, everything is messy"

Everyone suddenly became silent and looked sad

"I'm going" Pond left the room quickly and Phuwin followed him

"Yeah we have some things to do too" Gun dragged Off

"How long ago did this happen?"  Dunk asked after everyone left the room and Joong closed the door so it was just the two of them

"A month...that's pretty new" Joong sat down on the bed next to Dunk

"Well let's clean your room"


"If we're going to continue meeting, your room should be tidy if you want me to come here"

"Krub" Joong stood like a soldier

Dunk chuckled

They got up and started tidying the room

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now