separate rooms

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Joong and Dunk were in separate rooms before the wedding

"Are you stressed?"  Joong texted Dunk

"Obviously, how can you not?!"
Dunk answered immediately

"Do you want me to come see you?"

"I don't think Mix will let you in now, he believes that seeing the groom before the wedding brings bad luck"

"But you're stressed"

"It's okay Boun is here"

"Ok but if you want me to come I will just tell me"


Joong put the phone aside

"Hi Off" Joong turned to Off sitting next to him "Can I go see Dunk?"

"For me, yes, but I'm not sure Mix will let you in. He believes-"

"Yes, yes, it brings bad luck, I've heard of it"
Off shrugged and Joong got up and left the room

He looked for the room where Dunk is supposed to be and found it

He came to open the door

"What are you doing?"  Mix appeared behind him

"I forgot something at Dunk's" Joong tried to think of an excuse

"What did you forget? I'll get it for you"

"Oh no here" Joong took out his phone "Off texted me that he found it"

Joong quickly walked back and Mix followed with suspicious eyes

"Joong was going to come in now" Mix entered the room "Earth why aren't you on guard?"

"Oh babe you're exaggerating"

"You know that my uncles saw each other and broke up, right? And we didn't and we're happy together"

Earth rolled his eyes

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

"No" Earth denied

Mix made a sour face and went to sit next to Dunk
"Well, the wedding starts in an hour, everything needs to be organized"


Dunk opened the door a little and peered through the hole

He saw the whole crowd of people and start to panic

Boun wasn't there to reassure him

"Joong" Dunk texted Joong
"Can you come?"

"Of course"

The door to the room opened and Joong poked his head in

When he saw that the area was safe and Mix was not there he entered

He found Dunk sitting tensely in the chair

"Hey" he stepped towards him

"Joong" Dunk stood up and hugged him

Joong was surprised but hugged Dunk back

Dunk released from the hug after a few seconds

"I don't know if I can do it"

"You can Dunk" Joong took Dunk's hands and massaged them to relieve the pressure "I'm here to help you at every step look at me and relax"

"Would it be creepy if I kept looking at you until the end of the canopy?"  Dunk took a deep breath and smiled

"I'd love for you to do it even after the canopy" Joong smiled

"Thanks" Dunk hugged him

"I'm here for you"

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