Say it at home

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Joong and Dunk fought the vampires but the vampires surrounded them and they stood back to back

"I love you Dunk" Joong said

"Don't say that now" Dunk said

"Just in case I can't tell you this agai- "

"Shut up" Dunk interrupted him "You can and you'll tell me at home"

Joong nodded and raised the sword

The vampires closed in on them

A roar was heard from the cave entrance and they saw a bear running in their directions

They raised the sword in his direction but the bear attacked the vampires and knocked them all away

"Boun!" Dunk recognized the scent

The bear stopped and nodded then continued to fight

Joong and Dunk returned to their senses and helped him

Off Gemini Pond Phuwin and Fourth fought

"I came to help" Prem came running in

"How exactly?!"  Gemini killed a vampire that was about to bite Fourth

Prem picked up the book he had in his hand

"what is it?"  Gemini asked and killed a vampire that came behind him

"Spellbook me and Fourth can help with our magic" Prem said

"Wait do you know about magic?!"  Fourth asked

"Yeah no thanks to you or Gun" Prem was angry "Boun told me now while I was recovering"

"We were going to tell you but you're the only one who continued his normal life after he found out about the vampires so we didn't want to stress you"

"Whatever" Prem rolled his eyes and opened the book
He muttered a whisper and fire erupted from his hand Gemini rushed to knock Fourth to the floor

"Be careful" Gemini shouted and Prem stopped mumbling

"Sorry" Prem smiled innocently "I'll tune in next time"

Gemini got up and helped Fourth up
Fourth and prem began to recite spells and help them


"Gun" Gun heard a voice calling him in his mind

"Who are you?!"  Gun said out loud

"Who is who?"  Saint still put the sword to his neck

"Who is this bear?"  Gunn thought fast and pointed at the bear

"I'm guessing it's Boun...not bad, more power" Saint smiled

"It's me Off" the voice continued to broadcast to Gun and Gun looked at Off fighting the vampire

"Don't look at me so Saint won't suspect"

Gun slowly moved his head to the side as if he was looking at what was going on around him

"I'm going to shoot him, I'll count to three and bend over, blink three times if that's okay"

Gun blinked three times

"Ok" Off started counting "one, two, three"

Gun crouched down and off shot Saint

The ball hit Saint in the shoulder and Gun ran towards Off

Saint chased after him but someone shot him

He turned and saw Tay

"Bye bye bitch" Tay smiled

Saint turned to Tay with a shocked face he took out a knife and tried to throw it at him but Phuwin interrupted and stuck a knife in his back
"This is for what you did to Pond" he said and inserted the knife deeper

Saint raised the knife with the last of his strength and was about to stab Phuwin but Pond shot Saint in the hand and the knife fell from him

Saint lay on the floor dying

Phuwin raised his rifle and was about to shoot him but Pond stopped him


I'm not feeling well and I'm at home so I posted earlier today💛

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now