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"Congratulations brother" Off hugged Joong when the wedding was over

"Enjoy tonight" Pond winked
He was drunk and Phuwin held him and helped him

"Shut up pond" Joong rolled his eyes

Earth and Mix finished talking with the last guests and joined the conversation
"Well then we'll take them to the apartment" Mix said

Earth Mix and Off chose an apartment for Joong and Dunk for their wedding and they kept it a surprise after the wedding

"Ok we'll go home" off said "Gun Gemini Fourth get in the car and Phuwin please help Pond"

The family got into the car and they drove off

Meanwhile Earth Mix Joong and Dunk got into the other car
They drove towards their new home

When they arrived they opened the door and marveled at the beauty of the house

Lots of boxes were scattered in the living room

"At the time of the wedding we hired some people to move your things" Mix pointed to the boxes "you will organize it tomorrow but what is inside the box is written on it so look for the clothes so you can change these suits"

"Thank you" Joong said

"Thanks dad" Dunk hugged Mix

"Good night kids don't do what everyone do after weddings" Mix glared at Joong

"Dad" Dunk tried to push Mix out

"Are you kicking me out?"


Mix rolled his eyes
"Bye babe, be careful Joong" Mix said and Dunk closed the door

Dunk stood embarrassed at the door
They both stood still and didn't know what to do

"Shall we change clothes?"  Joong suggested

"Krub" Dunk said

They stood in front of the pile of boxes and started looking for the box with clothes written on it

"I found it" Dunk said a few minutes later

They opened the box
Joong's clothes were there

They continued to look for the box with Dunk's clothes

Long minutes have passed and they still haven't found it

Dunk's phone vibrated
"Mix wrote that they haven't moved half of the boxes yet" Dunk sat down on the couch in despair "My clothes must be in one of them"

"Then take mine" Joong took out comfortable and pleasant clothes for Dunk

Dunk took the clothes hesitantly and went to shower
When he got out Joong went into the shower

Joong got out of the shower and saw that Dunk had already fallen asleep

"He must be tired" Joong smiled and lay down next to him

He wanted to hug him but thought it was too soon
He closed his eyes and fell asleep

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now