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"Soo what's your name?"  Gun asked him

"I don't have a name" the boy answered indifferently and looked at his feet

"What do you mean you don't have a name?"

The boy did not answer

Gun put a hand on his little leg and the boy glanced at him

"Why are you even bothering to talk to me? I'm problematic. Go take the disciplined children over there" he pointed to the room

"Because he likes challenges" Off rolled his eyes

"I want to talk to you first" Gun decided and silenced Off "So what does it mean you don't have a name?"

"Well I understand that the only way to get rid of you quickly is to answer your questions" the boy sighed "I don't have a name, if you want to call me you can call me Lony that's how everyone calls me here"

"Lony? Why Lony?"

"Short for Lonely the kids started calling me that and the others followed, it's because I'm alone all the time" Lony shrugged

Gun looked with sad eyes at the boy and Off softened

"Don't look at me like that" Lony said when he saw their looks "I don't need your pity"

They exchanged their expression

"You are an interesting boy" Gun told him

"Well that's it? Are you done?"  The boy stood

"Yes" Gun nodded

"really?"  Off asked

The boy went back in and the principal got out

"We'll take him" Gun told her

"him?? Will you get along with him??"  she asked

"Yes" Gun decided

They went to her room to fill out some last paperwork and came back

She took him out and told him

The boy exchanged glances between her and Off and Gun and ran

"Where did he run?"  Gun hurried to ask her

"Surely to his room" the principal made a face "His room is on the right, I told you it would be difficult to take care of him"

Gun ran in the direction she said and Off followed him

They entered the room and saw him sitting on his bed crying

Gun sat down next to him

He put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him closer to him

"Why did you choose me?"  the boy asked

"Because we want you" Gun stroked his hand

Off sat on the other side of the boy and put a hand on his other shoulder and they wrapped him in a hug


The boy finished packing the few things he had and they went downstairs and out the gate

"Good luck with him" the principal yelled before they closed the car door

"Hey" Gun turned to him and wiped a tear from his eye "I don't like the name Lony from now on your name is Offroad" he smiled at him and the boy smiled back

They drove home


Tomorrow is the last chapterr🥳

I wrote another story but I don't know if to publish it, it's about 150 chapters maybe even more (I haven't finished writing it yet).... what do you say?

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