try on's

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Thanks for all the happy birthday wishes😭😭😭
I was sooo excited when I read all the comments It made me feel so good so thank you so muchh🥹😭🫂💛
And I managed to translate the chapter for today enjoyy💛


"Joong?"  Off knocked on Joong's door

He opened the door and saw Joong sitting on the bed

"We need to go" Off said

"where to?"  Joong asked

"Choose you a suit for the wedding"

"You know my size, bring something"

"You know it doesn't work that way... also, Dunk will be there"

"Dunk will be there?!"  Joong jumped "I'm getting ready"

Off chuckled and closed the door

Joong came out after a few minutes dressed and ready

"What are they doing?"  Joong pointed to Pond Phuwin and Gemini who were standing next to Off

"Your groomsmen" Off replied

"Is he a groomsman too?" Joong pointed to Phuwin

"Oh, he needs to watch Pond, especially if we go out"

Phuwin nodded

They left for the store

They arrived and saw that Dunk Boun and Mix were already there, Dunk was sitting with an indifferent face and playing on the phone, Boun was sitting next to him and Mix was talking to the seller

They entered the store

"Oh, great you've arrived" Mix moved towards them

"Hey Dunk" Joong went to sit next to Dunk

"Hi" Dunk didn't look up at him

"So you're Joong?"  Boun shook Joong's hand "I could get along with you"

"Boun!"  Dunk scolded him

Boon released Joong's hand

"Look what a handsome man, what didn't you like?"  Boun asked Dunk

"Yes, what didn't you like?"  Joong agreed with the question

Dunk rolled his eyes

Joong and Boun looked at him and waited for an answer

"Hey Dunk come to try on something" Mix saved him

Dunk got up and went to Mix to try on a suit

"Is he on his period?"  Pond sat down in Dunk's chair

"No Pond, that's his normal mood" Joong replied

"That's his usual mood with you" Boun corrected him

"What am I doing wrong?"

"No it's not about you it's about him and his ex...he'll open up to you eventually...I hope..."

"His ex?"

"But be careful...if you hurt him..." Boun ignored Joong's question and turned his eyes red and looked at Joong with a deadly look

"I won't I won't" Joong stressed

"Good" Boun returned his normal eyes and smiled

Off called Joong and Joong got up to try on a suit

Gemini approached them

"Boun right?"  Gemini turned to Boun

"How do you know his name?"  Pond asked

"I don't know personally, but I heard about the blonde vampire from the Pirapat family who canceled a wedding" Gemini shrugged

"So that's how I'm known?"  Boun chuckled "And I'm guessing you're Gemini right?"

"how did you know?"

"If the guy that Dunk is marrying is Joong and he's there and Off is the one standing next to Mix and Joong called you Pond" he pointed to Pond "that means the last brother left is you Gemini" he pointed to Gemini

"Smart" Gemini sat down in Joong's place

Boun took out his phone

Gemini didn't stop staring at Boun

"Do you want to ask something?"  Boun asked as he noticed Gemini staring at him

"No no" Gemini also took out the phone but looked at Boun from time to time

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now