the bodyguard

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Someone knocked on Pond's door

"Wait" Pond wiped his tears and washed his face

"What do you want?"  He opened the door and saw Off

"Are you okay?"  Off asked

"what do you need?"

Off moved aside and Pond saw someone standing behind him

"Who is he?"  Pond asked Off

"Your bodyguard, his name is Phuwin" Off said

"I don't need a bodyguard" Pond was going to close the door but Off put his foot in it and stopped him from closing the door

"You need a bodyguard...especially now"

"I told you I didn't turn him"

"And what about the vampire?"

"I don't remember killing her either"

"You were don't remember it"

"But I know I didn't kill her"

"Listen, whether you did it or not, the Nameless tribe thinks you did and they have proof that you bit her and you were the last one with her. But Even if they didn't have proof Joong is going out on dates and about to get married, he won't be able to keep you from doing nonsense anymore"

"I still don't need a babysitter"

"I don't want to hypnotize you Pond, but you're causing too much trouble...Phuwin will keep you from making them, he'll be like Joong 2"

"Are you really comparing Joong to a stranger?"

"Then get to know him and he will no longer be a stranger"

Pond rolled his eyes and entered the room

"He'll be with you the whole time and if I hear that he ran away or something happened I'll have to use hypnosis" Off let Phuwin in "I hope you'll be alright and get along" Off smiled and closed the door

"Hey" Phuwin said

"Talking to me is not part of your job so you can give it up" Pond answered lying down on the bed and took out the phone

Phuwin stood by the door and didn't move

"Why do you keep standing there?"  Pond asked

"I'm supposed to keep you from leaving"

"You know that if I want to go out, there are also windows...I will get a few scratches but it will pass before I even touch the ground"

"You're welcome to try" Phuwin smiled

Pond smirked
He used his speed and reached the window he was about to jump but felt a hand stop him on his chest

He saw Phuwin standing in front of him and smiling

Pond used speed to get to the door but once again Phuwin was there and stopped him

"fast" Pond hissed

"Right" Phuwin smiled proudly

Pond went back to bed and lay down

"It's ok I'm not going out tonight it's no fun going out alone" he said

Phuwin raised an eyebrow

"Don't believe and keep standing, I don't care" Pond opened the phone

Phuwin went and sat in a chair

Pond stood and Phuwin got up from the chair

"Calm down I'm just going to take a shower" Pond said and walked towards the shower "Or do you want or need to watch me shower?" Pond smirked

"No it's okay" Phuwin said and followed him with his gaze

After a few minutes when Phuwin heard no noise from the shower, he knocked on the door

"Pond?"  Phuwin called

When he didn't hear an answer he opened the door and found that the bathroom was empty

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now