Extortion of kisses

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"Dunkkkk" Joong followed grumpy Dunk up the stairs "dunkdunkdunk"

Dunk ignored,he entered the room and slammed the door on Joong

Joong opened the door and rubbed his nose that had been hit by the slam

"Teerakk" Joong hugged him from behind and gave him a kiss on the cheek

Dunk couldn't help but smile

Joong tightened the hug and put his head on Dunk's shoulder

"I'm sorry naa" Joong said in a soft voice

"Do you promise not to do this again?"  Dunk asked


"I'll give you another chance" Dunk shrugged

"Yesss" Joong released the hug and punched the air enthusiastically

Dunk rolled his eyes with a smile

Joong hugged him back and was about to kiss him but Dunk put a hand over Joong's mouth

"Step by step" Dunk said

"Baee" Joong used his puppy dog eyes

"One kiss" Dunk surrendered

Joong smiled and kissed him
He was about to insert his tongue but Dunk stopped him

"That's it" Dunk said

Joong was about to use his special weapon once more

"Don't use those puppy eyes" Dunk stopped him

Joong sighed and tightened the hug

"But your Joongjoong lost a lot of blood" Joong said "don't you worry about him and want to help him? Kissing is an exchange of fluids"

"Are you trying to squeeze kisses from me Mr. Archen?"

"Maybe" Joong smiled "does it work?"

Dunk smiled putting his arms around Joong's neck and kissing him

Joong pulled him to the bed and Dunk followed him

They turned around and Dunk sat down on the bed and dragged himself back to the end of the bed

Joong smiled and moved towards him and kissed him

Dunk lifted Joong's shirt and accidentally touched his wound

"Ouch" Joong groaned and sat down next to Dunk

"Shia!sorryy" Dunk hurried to check the wound "Why didn't you say that you haven't recovered yet??"

"Well it's poison... wasn't it clear that it still hasn't subsided?"

"Right" Dunk nodded "Well lie down"

"No Dunk I'm not letting you lead"

Dunk sighed

"I'm just going to heal you dumbass"

"Ahh" Joong nodded and smiled

"Come on" Dunk waited

Joong lay down and Dunk started to heal him

When he finished he looked at Joong and saw that he had already fallen asleep
He smiled, lay down next to him and hugged him

"Good night my Joongjoong" Dunk said and kissed Joong on the cheek
Joong rolled over to his side and hugged Dunk back

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