what really happened

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"So what did you want to tell me?" Boun asked Prem as they reached one of the park's seating areas

"Do you remember what you told me about the picture?...that you have the same picture as mine and that you were my friend when I was a kid?" Prem looked up at him

"Did you remember???" Boun hoped and smiled

"No" Prem shook his head and Boun's smile started to fall "but Tay told me he erased my memories"

"Shia" Boun opened his eyes in shocked

"But I'm going to return them" Prem hastened to say

"how?" Boun asked

"Surely there is a way, a magic..."

"There are complicated spells, you can hurt yourself" Boun put his hand on Prem's hand

"But I want those memories back"

"Maybe you should ask Tay first?" Boun said

"Ok" Prem nodded

Boun smiled and ruffled his hair

They got up and walked towards the facilities


Joong's screams could be heard throughout the park

They got off the facility

Joong ran to throw up and Dunk followed him and Phuwin helped Pond who was walking dizzy

They sat down on the nearest bench

"That it... right?" Joong lay down and rested his head on Dunk who held his inhaler

"That was just the first ride" Dunk chuckled

"It was too much" Pond leaned on Phuwin

Joong nodded in agreement

"Okay okay we'll get on facilities that won't make you dizzy" Dunk rolled his eyes

Joong smiled and closed his eyes and inhaled

"Well let's go to the next facility" Dunk wanted to get up

"No not noww, A few more minutes" Joong said

"Ok" Dunk agreed, Joong looked passed out

"Hey is this Boun and Prem?" Phuwin looked and saw them

"where?" Dunk turned his head

"Boun?" Joong panicked "Wow, suddenly I'm full of energy, let's move forward now" Joong got up quickly and pulled Dunk with him who was still searching with his eyes where Boun is

Pond and Phuwin got up ,sigh and followed them


Gun and Off sat on one of the benches and Off put a hand around Gun's shoulder and pulled him closer to him

"I remembered how I became a vampire" Gun said

"really?" Off was surprised "How?"

"I remember I went for a walk outside and then Saint came, he hypnotized me gave me his blood and then bit me and drained me of the blood so I would die...my memory is hazy from here so I asked Joong what happened he said they saw me on the sidewalk, Joong gave me blood hoping it would work and after a little spell that Prem did he remembered that Saint came and hypnotized them both to forget what happened only to remember me and the fact that Joong gave me blood, when they left Saint brought me a knife and hypnotized me to cut myself but when I couldn't do it he did it , then I woke up and you know the rest"

"I'm sorry this happened to you" Off hugged him

"Don't be sorry" Gun smiled "thanks to that I met you... by the way Saint also killed the vampire from the Nameless tribe, after Joong brought her the blood and left because Pond Saint came and killed her"

" So Joong married for nothing"

"Not for nothing" Gun said "Joong and Dunk were meant for each other and that's how fate brought them together"

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now