A New Mission

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A small girl with ivory white skin and elf-like ears sat at the counter of a busy diner. Her blonde hair was braided into low twin tails that were tied off with green ribbons that matched her eyes and she wore an oversized black hoodie that was obviously not hers. She entertained herself by blowing bubbles into a glass of water with a straw while she waited for a certain person.

Suddenly, she perked up when she heard the voice that she had been waiting for. She jumped off her stool and made her way to the man that was standing alone. She grabbed his hand and began dragging him outside.

"Hey! What the..? What are you doing?!" He yelled. She had stopped dragging him when they reached a dark alleyway. From the pocket of the dark hoodie, she pulled out a gun and pointed it at the man.

"Hey kid, what are you doing?" He asked, his voice slightly shaking at his situation. The blonde girl looked at him, her green eyes glowing in the moonlight.

"How do you know All For One?" She asked, her tone genuinely curious. The man's face contorted into horror just by hearing that name.

"I-I just got him some information about a drug! That's it!" He exclaimed, his hands in front of him and his eyes closed. The young girl walked closer to the man and placed the gun to his head.

"He said that I need to get rid of you."

The man trembled. "Please, don't!"

The girl stood there silently just watching the man before making her move.


After the girl had finished her task she walked into an abandoned bar and sat on a stool. As soon as she got comfortable, the tv on the wall turned on revealing the person she feared the most, All For One. Though, he was also the person she trusted the most aside from Kurogiri.

"Reed, did you get rid of him?" He asked. She immediately froze with wide eyes before she turned to face the tv.

"Mhm." She mumbled.

"Use your words, Reed." His voice was chilling, it scared her. Though there was a time when it didn't

"Yes sir, I did." She replied louder. A smile took over his face that made her shiver.

"Good, he was the last one." He said. Relief flooded over her when she heard that sentence, making her let out a breath.

I'm glad Kurogiri helped me with them, she thought to herself.

At that moment, a boy with blue hair and a misty man walked into the room. All For One chuckled before addressing Reed again,

"Now, my sweet Reed, Tomura has a mission for you."

Reed looked at the blue haired boy with curiosity and tilted her head. He looked at her and sighed in annoyance that he had to rely on a child.

"Reed, I want you to infiltrate UA as a student." He said. Reed tilted her head, still confused,

"What's 'infiltrate' and 'UA'?" She asked. Shigaraki sighed and began scratching his neck.

"I want you to sneak into a hero school and pretend to be a student." He explained. Reed's face turned to one of shock as she processed the words,

"I'm not going to a hero school, I won't fit in! I don't even look that old!" Reed exclaimed with her arms crossed.

"I don't want to rely on a nine year old who can't read or write either, but look where I am! Plus, I literally saw someone with a spray bottle for a head, so I think you looking like a literal child won't be a problem."

"I'm almost double digits!" Reed shouted back with tears in her eyes. Shigaraki was about to shout again when All For One stopped them.

"That's enough, you two. Now Reed, you will help Tomura with this mission and Tomura don't be too harsh on her." The tv turned off and both of them turned their heads away from each other and pouted.

"She can't count either." Shigaraki mumbled. Reed whipped her head back towards him and was about to march up to him before Kurogiri picked her up.

"Kurogiri, Tomura's being mean to me!" Reed cried, hiding her face in his shoulder. Kurogiri patted her back as she cried due to the older boy's attitude.

"It's alright Reed, now take your medicine, and brush your teeth then I'll take you back to the lab to sleep. We can talk about your mission tomorrow." Kurogiri said in a calm voice.

Kurogiri sighed as he carried the girl, feeling bad for her.

I'm sorry Kotori, you and your friends are too young to be dealing with these things, but I'll help you in any way that I can.

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