Decisions and a Fever

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Everyone began moving and Hawks got a phone call. He looked at the small girl still sleeping. He looked around and the big three talking with some of the first years.

"Hey, can you look after her, I have to take this."

They nodded and Hawks handed her over to Tamaki.

"She's so tired." Midoriya observed as Reed began waking up.

"Huh?" She asked and turned around.

The hero course students smiled at her and she waved. The rest of class A walked up to them and just stood there.

Kotori stared at them and began squirming in Tamaki's arms causing him to almost drop her.

"Kotori, you can't do that, your ankle is broken."


"It's okay."

Kotori looked over Tamaki's shoulder and sighed. She closed her eyes again and went back to sleep.

"Oh, she's asleep again." Nejire said.

"I feel so bad." Mina said as she looked at the sleeping girl.

"Yeah, I mean, she didn't ask for any of that to happen and we just assumed she was a villain."

"I hope she forgives us. We glared at her when she walked in."

Kirishima smiled and looked at Kotori, "she'll forgive you, trust me."

The first years just looked at her sadly as she slept peacefully. She still had Hawks' headphones on her head which were slipping off, but Nejire adjusted them so they would stay.

The judge came back into the room and the recess had ended. Everyone went back to their seats, and Sir Nighteye offered to hold the sleeping girl.

"Hawks had to leave, so he asked us to watch her." Sir Nighteye explained as he took Kotori.

"Before we say our decision, Ms. Azuma, would you like to say anything?"

She nodded and walked up to the stand. She looked at Kotori, who was now wide awake, and glared.

"I don't regret what I did. I just followed my dreams and the four years that I had to raise those kids were the worst four years of my life. I never cared for those kids, they're monsters, so I'm glad I erased their families' memory of them."

The headphones had slipped off a little before Ms. Azuma began speaking, so Kotori had heard everything. Her eyes welled up with tears and her quirk activated.

Sir Nighteye rubbed her back and wrapped her blanket around her tightly. Mr. Aizawa erased her quirk, but she didn't notice.

"Is that it?" The judge asked with an annoyed tone.


"Alright then. Yasu Azuma you have been found guilty of the kidnapping of Miko Tachibana, Kazuki Yamano, Hiroto Suzuki, Kanae Yoshida, Riku Kimura, Ryusei Yamazaki, Miwa Nishimura, Yuto Kobayashi, and Kotori Shimada. You will serve life in prison."

He hit the gavel on the table and ended the trial. Everyone got up and began talking to each other. Ms. Azuma was escorted out and Kotori continued to cry, making her face red.

"Kotori, it's okay." Sir Nighteye said.

Kurogiri saw and asked to be escorted over to them. Once he was there, he put a misty hand on Kotori's forehead and sighed.

"She has a fever. She's never been sick before because of the pills she ate and the drugs that were injected into her while she slept. They kept her immune system working, but without them, her immune system is weak. You should get her to a hospital." Kurogiri said.

Sir Nighteye nodded as Kotori began to squirm. She threw off her blanket and tried to get out of Sir Nighteye's arms.

"Too hot..." she mumbled.

Sir Nighteye put a hand to her forehead and sighed. Her fever was climbing quickly.

"Too hot." She said again.

Her face was red and her breathing was off. Sir Nighteye looked at her and frowned. He picked up her blanket and walked up to the group of students that were talking and tapped Mirio on the shoulder.

"Mirio, can you look after her? I need to get transportation to the hospital."

Mirio nodded and took Kotori from him. She whined and tried to escape, but she couldn't.

"Too hot."

Todoroki looked at her and then put his right hand on her forehead and activated his quirk. Kotori stopped squirming and sighed in relief. Soon, she was fast asleep.

"She has a fever." Todoroki said as he kept his quirk activated.

"This was probably a lot for her." Midoriya replied.

Sir Nighteye had walked back to the group with his cellphone in his hand.

"An ambulance will be here soon, so I'll take her. After she recovers, you guys can visit her."

Everyone nodded, slightly disappointed, but they let Kotori go with the pro hero.

Unfortunately, they wouldn't be seeing her anytime soon.


"Toga, get ready to go get Reed."

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