Old Pains

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"Mom, I'm going to school, and then I'm headed to Natsuo's apartment for dinner."

"Alright Eita, say hi to Natsuo for me."

"Alright, bye mom."

The black haired, green eyed nineteen year old walked out of his house and headed to school.

Once he got to school he saw his white haired friend, and smiled.

"Natsuo, hey!" Eita yelled.

The white haired boy looked up from his phone and smiled.

"Hey, Eita! You ready for the test?"

Eita's smile disappeared as he looked at Natsuo with a neutral expression.

"What test?"

Natsuo deadpanned and slapped Eita over the head.

"The test we both studied for with our study group two days ago."

Eita's smile appeared back on his face and he nodded.

"I remember! Yeah, I'm totally ready."

"I hope so. You're trying to be a doctor."


"Hey mom, you ready to go to the doctors?" A young man with blond hair and brown eyes asked.

The black haired woman looked at her son and nodded,

"Yeah, let's get going."

The two walked out of the house and got into their car. Once they reached the doctors, the woman's son got out and then helped his mom out.

Once they checked in, they were called in by a nurse who took them into a room.

"Alright, Akari Shimada, correct?"


"Alright, it looks like you're here because you've been feeling some pain in your abdomen. I'll take your blood pressure and temperature then I'll send in a doctor to come see you."

After the nurse took her basic health information and vitals, the doctor walked in.

"Alright, Mrs. Shimada, let's see what's going on."

The doctor looked through the information and nodded,

"Alright, so it looks like you have some pain in your abdomen. Is that right?"

Akari nodded and the doctor asked her to lay down.

"How long has this been going on?"

"A couple of months, I believe." She answered and looked at her son.

"Since around the time All Might retired." He answered.

"You're her son?" She asked.

"Oh, yes, sorry, my name's Akihiro."

The doctor nodded and turned back to Akari,

"Do you think I can take a look?"

Akari nodded and pulled up her shirt slightly. The doctor pressed her hands on her stomach and then looked at Akari.

"Have you had a c-section for any of your kids?" She asked.

Akari looked confused and shook her head, "Both my boys had a normal birth, why do you ask?"

"You have a scar for a c-section right where you said it hurts. What did you say your last name was again?"


The doctor paled, but forced a smile on her face.

"I'll be right back."


The doctor rushed down the hall to her office and called the police.


"Hello, how may we help you?"

"Um, I think I have the mother and brother of one of those missing newborns here for a checkup. Their last name is Shimada." She spoke so quickly that the dispatcher barely heard it.

"Alright, I'm sending someone who's working on the case to your address right now."

"Alright, thank you."

The doctor slumped down in her chair and sighed. She knew her day just got longer.


After an hour and a half, Akari and Akihiro walked out of the doctor's office with a prescription for pain medicine. They were a little frustrated that that was all they were given, but decided to trust the doctor.

As they passed by the waiting room, the tv played the news.

"Breaking news: League of Villains members, Reed and Dabi were reported being seen after the fight in Kyushu last week."

Dabi and Reed's photos were put on the screen so everyone could see them. Akihiro looked up at the tv and was shocked to see a member of the League looking like someone he could be related to. He quickly shook it off and signed the forms before him and his mom left.

As he drove back home, a sharp pain in his head caused him to groan. His mom looked at him with concern, but he just waved her off.


That night, Eita walked home from Natsuo's apartment after having dinner and playing a couple of video games. He walked past a tv store that was playing the news.

"Again, if you see Dabi or Reed, please call the police."

Their pictures were put on the screen which made Eita pause. He looked at the picture of Reed and gaped.

Why did she look like him? Why did he seem to know her? He quickly shook off those thoughts and walked off. Though he had to pause a few times due to a sharp pain in his head.


"I'm home!" Eita yelled.

"Seriously? Do you have to yell?" Akihiro asked as he walked down the stairs and into a small office room.

"Duh. How else would you have heard me?" Eita answered as he put on his house slippers.

Eita was silent for a moment before walking up to his brother and poking his shoulder. Akihiro turned around with a raised brow and looked at Eita.

"What is it?"

"I saw that villain girl on the news. I think her name was Reed. She looked like us, which is kind of weird." Eita said as he leaned on the table.

Akihiro paused and was silent for a moment before nodding,

"Me too, but it's just a coincidence, so we shouldn't worry about it." Akihiro said.

"Whatever you say, Aki. Wanna play Mario Kart?"

"Sure, but if I win, you have to make me dinner for a week."

"Deal!" The two boys rushed into the living room completely forgetting about the villain girl and their resemblance.

But the past always has a way of showing itself and the Shimada family would soon learn that.

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